Part 2

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11) #Thinkin Almost everyone thinks they're an above average driver. Hmm. #crossapplytolife

12) #Thinkin Find a career you love so much you'd do it for free. But don't - value yourself, being paid is nice too.

13) #Thinkin The key to attracting others is having something to attract with - what do YOU bring to the table? Hint: Being nice isn't enough.

14) #Thinkin Everyone has a story - sometimes you just have to ask.

15) #Thinkin Sometimes just faking a smile can turn into the real thing.

16) #Thinkin If it floats your boat and doesn't affect me at all, then have at it. None of my business.

17) #Thinkin Not having hair can be a good thing - I save a ton on shampoo! #alwayslookforasilverlining

18) #Thinkin While I love the time period I'm in, sometimes I wish I was in an age where I could visit the stars. Or fight dragons. Mmm.

19) #Thinkin Don't stay in an unhealthy relationship cuz you're afraid of the unknown. You're better than that.

20) #Thinkin Reagan said the only thing that would unite humanity is an alien invasion. He's right - it's just lagers of tribes to that point.

#Thinkin -Chris RuppWhere stories live. Discover now