Part 3

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21) #Thinkin What did you do today to make the world a better place?

22) #Thinkin That whole "lots of fish in the sea thing?" Yeah, it's true.

23) #Thinkin Everyone needs to live on their own at some point in their life.

24) #Thinkin There's a difference between always being yourself... And being the best version of yourself.

25) #Thinkin It doesn't really matter if you "win" an argument if the other person still resents you for it. Then you both lost.

26) #Thinkin If your pickup line of choice is catcalling on the streets at women, I need to have a talk with your mother.

27) #Thinkin Saying I'm sorry without actually being contrite doesn't really count.

28) #Thinkin Sometimes I just take a step back and say wow, I can't believe humanity has achieved all of THIS. Then I think... We can do better.

29) #Thinkin Passive aggressive and vague fb statuses really only make you look bad.

30) #Thinkin If you're on the fence about taking a leap of faith in something, the answer is yes. Do it.

#Thinkin -Chris RuppWhere stories live. Discover now