Finding the Arachnid Homosapien

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It's been a week since your chance meeting with Andrew Fargield in the Wall Market. You haven't stopped thinking about it since then. You have been searching for him, trying to find him in this big city. Unfortunately, Mr. Garfield seems to know how to steer clear of the public eye.

First of all, he has no social media. You have no way to contact him. Whenever you look him up on google, nothing recent shows up about his whereabouts. He has no instagram or twitter. How dreadful! You just want to see Sir Andrew again.

However, you must stick to your resources. As Uncle Ren once said, "With great flour comes great yeastful bread." You must use your resources and you will find a way.

So, you booked a flight to L.A. Always smart to start where it all began (Mr. Garfield was born in the City of Angels).

You are currently pacing around Hollywood Studios in search of any actors associated with him. You hope someone might know something about his location.

You wander onto the set of the newest Revengers movie: The Game's Finish. As it is a Marver movie, you hope someone will know your man.

On the set, Benedict Cumbersome is tied to a wire and flying, making strange movements with his hands. He is in front of a green screen. He's brotish!! Maybe he'll know something about his fellow englishman!

"Aw Benny, you're such a silly goose!" you say.

"I'm sorry? Who are you, comrade?" Benedict turns to look at you and says with his charming British accent.

"I'm a big fan man, but I'm a bigger fan of a coworker of yours. Benedict, I was wondering if you knew where Andrew Garfiled is?" you ask.

"Hmmm..," he says, still flying in the air, "No, dear chap. Unfortunately I do not know where he is."

"Darn!" you say. "Do you know anyone who might?"

"Well, perhaps Timothy Chalmeant?" he says. "Sorry luv, wish I could be of better assistance but I don't know you or Mr. Garfield very well."

"Oh that's alright. Thank you anyway. Loved you in Sherluck by the way, Mr. Cumbersome!! Very gay- I mean great performance," you reply.

"Ah it's alright friend. I get that a lot," he says. "P.S." he whispers, "we really were told to act from that angle. Yet they tell the fans that they weren't gay! Take it from me, we were very pining! John Wasted and Sherluck confirmed by me." He crosses his heart.

"That's awesome. Yeah, me and everyone I know thought that so I'm glad you confirmed. What a great guy you are!" you say to him.

"Aw gee mate. Thank you," Benedict blushes. "You know, I've never met a fan like you. You're gobsmackingly charming!!" he compliments, "Wanna grab a cuppa with me on my next break between filming? We can chat more and maybe run into people who may know Sir Andrew's whereabouts...?"

"Oh goodness, that's so sweet of you Benny. Of course, but this isn't a date right?" you ask, worried he may be getting the wrong idea.

Benedict's face goes beet-red. "Oh haha," he laughs nervously, "o-of course not. J-just a friendly little chat!"

Ah well, if he says so. Benny can do no wrong, tell no lies. "All right, sounds fun," you agree.

"Ah great. You can go into that room in the back," he points to a door, "I'll be there in a moment, I must go get a Targumpt pick-up order."

You head over to the door and open it. You hear someone speaking.

"Hmmm, I'm not sure. Statistics say otherwise. You should know, Lawton senpai!!"

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