Part 20

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Onboard the station, Melanie searched all over the main area for Manson knowing he could be up to something. Manson was also looking for a way to deal with a cybernetic angel that was hunting him down. It was becoming an uncomfortable stand-off between beneficial and monstrous, as many would call it these days. Still, something had to be done to end this battle once in for all. Back on Earth, the rest of the ladies were busy dealing with the duo who were at fault for destroying their human lives. The pilot Melanie saved came over to see what was going on because he had some important information on board the cargo plane that Manson had taken to the spacecraft.

"What do you mean by energy artillery? Our mate is out there somewhere really to blow up, for real." Geri said.

"Remember that Mario film?" The pilot asked.

"Is it the one wherein this one scene a bloke shoots this gun at another, turning the target into a chimp?" Emma asks.

"Yes, that one!" The pilot said.

PewDiePie: The Super Mario Brothers film... that scene where Bower turns a random guy into a chimpanzee.

Jacksepticeye: Bower found it funny.

"Well, it was meant to neutralize the target. It looked like those bombs in the games." The pilot said.

Cinemassacre James: It's those bob-bombs.

Cinemassacre Mike: I wondered what they meant.

"I'm worried if one of those things goes off. They weren't finished. If that creep thinks he can turn this place into the planet of the Apes, he's got another thing coming." The pilot said.

"Either that or the opposite in that film." Steve said.

"What?" Nick asks.

"Even a person subject to devolution into a chimpanzee would actually be smarter than you." Debbie said.

"I heard that," Nick said.

"Good," Debbie said.

"Say, Emma, you saw that film. What was that gun called that causes this devolution?" Geri asks.

PewDiePie: It's evolution, but backward.

"Just called the devolution gun," Emma said.

"If Manson was smart enough... hey wait, what is the next stage of human evolution, anyway?" Mel asks.

"Don't know, but given Melanie's body was altered to have cybernetic machines and made into an angel." Emma said.

Back onboard the spacecraft...

"C'om there has to be something here." (He finds a cannon-like device, but doesn't spot the setting is on advance.) "What the hell?" Manson asks.

Melanie was closing in.

"I know he's around here somewhere. Can't believe this is going to happened." Melanie thought.

MessYourself: Yeah, what happens to a cybernetic angel that evolves?

Manson looks at the shotgun-like device.

"It looks like that light gun for the Super NES or in that Mario movie." Manson said.

Manson comes to his senses.

"I got it." Manson said.

Manson steals the cannon and hunts down Melanie with it. Soon, they're face to face.

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