I knelt down next to her and turned her over on her back



"Y/NNN!!!" I screamed her name

The boy gentle shook the girl hoping that she will get up

"Please," the boy cried 


"No, please no, y/n please just say something? Anything" the boy cried even more as he held to lifeless body close to him

"Y...y/n? K-kitaro?" The lifeless girl mumbled

"Y/n! Omg!" The boy said as he held the girl tightly in his embrace

"K-kitaro?" The girl asked again in hope he was the one who was figured out what he meant by that statement
The one she love, the one who found her, the true love as that old lady was talking about

I guess this is the right time
For love
The girl thought

The boy froze, in shock, not knowing what else to say he cried, he cried in joy, sadness and relief

"I love you Y/n, I love you so much, so much,"

" I..."

"Shh, I hate to admit it but you are not going to live and I'm going to be living with you for the rest of my life
So N/n my last words to say to you

My heart will never feel this way to anyone else, tho it has tried, but my heart belongs to you and only you even if you're miles away from me, even if I can't hold you in my arms anymore, even if you love someone else, y/n my heart will only belong to you

I love you Y/n"

The dying girl weakly placed her hand on the boy's cheek
And smiled softly

With all her strength left in her, she pulled down the boy and kissed him
The boy returned the kiss

The two shared the most passionate kiss, full of love, hope, peace and joy
And all the good things in the world

Such as unicorns and rainbows ✨


They both separated the kiss, taking a breath of air with small smiles on their faces


Blood pelt out the girl's mouth as she groans in pain

The boy held her gentle as he comfort her

"I'm always here for you okay? No matter what" the boy placed a kiss of the girl's forehead

"I love you... I-"

The boy's face saddened, then he sighed in acceptance

The girl pulled herself up and kissed the boy gently and whispered gently

"I love you, Izumi, you always had my heart and you will always have it"  the girl smiled.

I just wish it could be shared

"I love you" kissing Miyamura one last time, everything then went pitch black for the girl

"Y/n," The boy said sadly as he felt the girl weight getting heavier

he let out a hinge breathe as he began to cry

"Y/N!!!" He yelled out in sadness

~ End of flash back~

A few tears fell from the young man's eyes

"Here you go, I brought some flowers to make the place look nice, I brought you some snacks as well" 

Sickly in love [Miyamura x reader]{Horimiya}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن