Cold Winter, Discarded Gadgets

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Darkness was the first thing on the snowy fresh October night. The dim light of the moon in the facility where things beyond imagination were created. But they were not created for the wonders of bringing joy, no, oh heavens no. These things that were assembled were designed to do the opposite of how they were brought into the world. It's been engraved into each and every model since the very beginning. These advanced creations were something called "Disassembly Drones". Created after the "Worker Drones" became nothing but a rogue, runaway AI. The company, JC Jensen was VERY displeased with this enough to create the disasebally drones. And today, two peculiarly new disasebally drones were built into existence.

The models were of a male and female disasebally drones, but what set them apart was how they were created. The model was altered slightly to match the other. Certain parts were changed or altered to match and tell them apart. Creating a new type of model for disasebally drones. When the drones were completed, they were soon isolated into a room where a few employees watched behind a protective two-way glass to make sure nothing went wrong. And to see if there were any errors or possible signs of rebellion. Then they were both powered on, at the same time. Sparks of electricity started to fill and give them life. Until everything was silent. The female drone opened her eyes first, not speaking a word as she looked to the other drone with curiosity. She then fancied a look only a sibling would be familiar with as the other drone opened his eyes. "H... hello..?" The female drone spoke with a simple smile that began to play on her nonexistent lips. "Hello... who are you?" The male disassembly drone sat up, his stinger swaying as the female Disassembly drone quizzically inquired with her playful grin. "I... I don't know. Who are you?" The male disassembly pondered as the female disassembly drone squinted her gaze to think of a possible answer. "I don't seem to have any to no recollection of who I am whatsoever. I don't even think I even remember the- uh- last forever of my life. But I'm sure that'll come back to me and you- my... uh-guy! Yes! My guy! Yeah." The workers take notes. Whoever did the programming this time needed credit for this, too bad they left without a trace. Too bad, so sad. Then a worker grabbed a microphone and turned it on. "Serial Designation W and Serial Designation G. We welcome you both with open arms to JC Jensen. We have a task for you, but we're sure you can carry it out." The voice spoke in a monotone and calm matter. As if they've done this a thousand times. The two drones... W and G...? stood to face the glass. The two looked at one another. Those were letters weren't they? Were those their names, or something else? "Uh- excuse me?" The male disassembly drone spoke with a confident but slightly timid voice. "Which ones... who exactly?" The voice sighed. "You, the one in the hat is Serial designation W. The other is Serial Designation G. Any more questions before we send you off, no questions asked?" W, shook his head. "No sir." W did a small nod as his hand adjusted his hat slightly. "W" G pondered. An odd name, but yet again, her 'name' was odd too.

The door to the left of the two opened as they were free to leave to the next area. "We would like to test your durability and abilities before setting you both out as soon as possible." The two entered the next room with no questions asked. A new voice came on with fake dummies looking like worker drones to test out new disassembly drones' abilities. "If you two could go into 'hunting mode' to attack the dummies you see here. Do so now, that is not a request. Then we'll list other abilities you can use in your skill set, that, again, is not a request." G put on a brave face as she went first with a boisterous cackle. An 'X' covered her eyes as her smile grew wildly in size as the laughter became manic. In a flash, her 'brother' soon followed, no questions being spoken nor asked. As a team they went against the dummies no problem which meant they would do wonders in getting rid of the worker drones. The employees were impressed, but didn't and never will care about the two 'siblings' as 'beings'. They were machines; nothing more nothing less and that's all they'll ever be. When the test was done they were sent off. "G?" G responded to the 'name' she was given. "Why... Why are we just called W and G? Aren't there actual names out there?" G pondered. "I guess they were lazy, but what do I care about someone's laziness? I wasn't present to witness somebody being lazy and writing only 'W' and 'G'. It's like they were waiting to get made fun of!" W, chuckled with a grin on his face; his first laugh in their first hour or two of life. This wasn't going to be so bad, this was going to be something unique. "G... since— we were I dunno created together from the looks of it. Doesn't that technically make us- uh... what's that word again?" G adjusts her earmuffs as she thinks of the words to describe in her first sparks of life. "Uh- siblings? Family...? Twins...-?" "YES! That's exactly what I was looking for!" G looked at W taken aback from his burst of excitement, nearly stinging herself with nanite acid. "Well- the other words work too!- but twinies is what I meanties!" G raised an eyebrow. "You mean that's what you meant by yelling twins?" "YES! And— I'm not yelling! I'm just- coming to revelation that's all!" W chuckled with a gleeful grin on his face, he definitely looked like the type to be chaotic, but good-natured and strong willed. G then began to think aloud. "Well— 'W' is not much to go off of and I don't think the company's going to give us actual names; Sssssooo." G inhaled as she thought of ideas. "Why don't we come up with nicknames that sound like code names only uh- only twins can have! At least I think they have them because they look awesome!" G grinned as N hopped in excitement. "That would be amazing! I love- YE-OW!" W toppled over as the stinger caught into his leg. G panicked but remembered... something in the list of abilities they tested was about healing... saliva? Saliva that neutralizes and heals the nanites. G groaned at what she was going to do. "W— this is going to be... grr- this is GOING to be gross but bare with me, also hold still." G sat as she mustered enough saliva to help W. G groaned, then spat it onto the wound with a look of disgust. "Bleh... Eh.. ew- that was gross." W groaned as the wound closed and vanished as if it had never occurred. "Well. I guess we learned something. Don't let your stingers get too close to you-! OKAY; Note to self noted." W sighed. "That's a funny little gadget that they gave us... isn't it?" W chuckled. "Oh hush, I'm not the one who had cold feet earlier." G smirked with a laugh, then realized that they might've unintentionally given themselves 'nicknames.' "You just- called what I had a 'Gadget'. And I just said you had cold feet. Like how it gets cold in..." the twins came to a realization of their nicknames. "Well, well, well! Hello Gadget. I guess my nickname's Winter!" W, Winter said in a goofy voice that made G, Gadget laugh. The twins then stood and made their way to their mission.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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