chapter 3: Chimera versus demon

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Using its mace the Chimera gunpla deflect the dainsleif into a siren ship.

joker: tch!

He draws another dainsleif from nowhere and purplish energy surrounds it.

joker: if that won't take you down then maybe this will, special attack routine dainsleif Pierce shot!!

The powered up Arrow fires and the Chimera gunpla tries to do the same trick again with his mace but the arrow pierces through the mace shattering it and heavily damaging the left shield.

The Chimera gunpla tosses away what remains of its mace and takes off with its Dragoon Freedom pack deployed as Joker closes in with his bow now turned into some sort of hook formation while holding it as a scythe.

The Chimera gunpla tosses away what remains of its mace and takes off with its Dragoon Freedom pack deployed as Joker closes in with his bow now turned into some sort of hook formation while holding it as a scythe

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Joker swings the scythe into the shield and rips it off of the chimera's arm and quickly spins around and cuts off the backpack.

The Shield goes flying into the water causing a massive splash and the backpack sets off as it was still active and returning to it's closed form causing it to spin into multiple Sirens ships destroying most of them.

ribbons: curse you you damned human!!

The Chimera gun rips the other mace off of the right shield and deploys the rifle.

joker: a second mace your Builder must love Iron blooded orphans, and a rifle that belongs to the alto from the 30-minute missions line your still there must be a skilled Builder to be able to incorporate so many machines until one gunpla and from different areas as well who's your Builder ai pilot?

ribbons: SHUT UP AND DIE!!

The Mason Scythe Collide as the two machines charge at each other and ribbons tries to take a cheap shot with a rifle which doesn't last very long as it is grabbed by the barbataurus and tossed away nearly striking the shell shocked zuikaku

She snaps out of her stupor and sees the sinking rifles barrel aiming at her and gets up and carries her sister away out of the battlefield.

with the other shipgirls

The sound of clashing metal is heard as the two opponents fly pass each other in hit-and-run attacks.

z23: what is that thing?

ayanami: its a monster!

prinz eugen: though i wonder that black demon seems to recognize that other one where they allies at one point?

As Javelin is about to speak up they all hear something fly over them and see the bow and the mace go flying, the Mace sinks into the ocean and the bow gets impaled into a siren ship.

Everyone looks back at the Battle to see the Chimera draw a katana from its shield, which Louis down to the lower arm and the pointed spear edge of this field flips around giving The Shield a more angular design.

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