Frosty Memories

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Author's Note

🎄 A very Happy Birthday to Levi and Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate it.

🎄 It's always fun imagining what sort of relationship Kenny and Levi would have. I've never written them together in any of my Fanfics before so Levi's birthday seemed like a nice opportunity to write this cute little scenario ;) 

🎄 And I know Kenny would never dress up as Santa but CAN WE PLEASE IMAGINE.
Levi is turning 11 in the first part of this story.

🎄 Disclaimer: All the characters belong to Hajime Isayama.


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Although it never snowed in Underground, cold wind still bellowed through the dim-lit streets through all the open chambers around the roof.  Surviving winters in Underground was quite a task, given the scarcity of proper clothing and shelter people had.

"If it really is his birthday today, you should do something. I mean the boy lost his mum not too long ago. He's probably expecting you to fill that role now, Kenny," the bartender said, watching the Ackerman chug down his drink.

"I have an image, you know? Kenny the Ripper can't go around acting like a kid's mommy," Kenny sledged. 

"Well, then, why don't you disguise yourself as Santa or something to surprise him," bartender replied with a roll of his eyes.

"Huh, that's not a bad idea."

"What? I was being sarcastic. You can't seriously dress up as Santa for that kid."

"I'm tired of seeing that runt's sour face everyday. It's like living with a walking skeleton! If this surprise cheers him even a bit, it'll be worth it," Kenny sighed and pushed his arms through the sleeves of his coat.

Levi sat in the corner of his new residence, staring thoughtlessly while munching on the last biscuit he had left. He had only moved in here about two months ago when Kenny found him sulking beside his mother's deathbed. Even after two months of living with him, Kenny was still quite a mystery. He never revealed what he meant to Kuchel and usually kept his distance from Levi, which made Levi wonder why Kenny was helping him in the first place.

The scraggy kid wore nothing but a baggy jacket and trousers Kenny had given him. Although it was a much better clothing than what he used to wear 2 months ago, it still wasn't sufficient to keep him warm. The chilly air had desensitized his skeletal fingers.

Right after he swallowed the last bits of the biscuit, Levi's stomach grumbled for more. It was odd; Kenny usually left food behind every time he disappeared. This was the first time Levi was starving after moving with Kenny. The black haired boy glanced at the clock, which was minutes away from striking midnight. Minutes away from it being Levi's eleventh birthday. Minutes away from Christmas. And still, there wasn't a sign of Kenny.

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