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"Is it here yet?"

"No, not yet. Lydia, you know that the mail comes at 2:30" My dad says groaning. I can tell how annoyed he is but I cant help but be anxious.

Here i am, sitting at the kitchen table waiting for the mail. In the mail will be my long awaited acceptance letter to Duke University. The college that I have only dreamt of going to for as long as I could remember, but instead I got stuck going to a community college.

Now that my 2 years of that is over, I can transfer to an actual university and pursue my dream of becoming a doctor.

"Lydia Anne! There's mail for you!" my dad calls out from the living room.

"There's no need for my full name to be said!" I sing.

I rush to the living room nervously. What If I don't get accepted? Then what will I do?

My father hands me the large letter and I grip it in my hand, hoping that only good news is held in this envelope.

"Well? Go ahead and open it" he urges.

I nod and hesitantly begin to rip along the top of it.

I pull out the paper and read.

Dear Ms.Collins. We are very pleased to tell you that you have been accepted to Duke University. We look forward to...

A smile grows on my face.

"Oh my gosh!! I got in!" I cheer.

"I'm so proud of you sweetie" my dad smiles, engulfing me in a hug.

"I swear, this feels like a dream! I got in!" I repeat.

Honestly, I expected myself to get it. If I didn't get in, i wouldn't know why. I work hard and maintained a high GPA throughout highschool. Its just that this feeling is... extravagant.

After a little five minute celebration with my father, I head to my room and grab my cell phone, calling my bestfriend.


"Hey Lydia, what's up?" he asks in his relaxed voice.

"I got in to Duke!" I exclaim.

"Really!?" he asks, just as ecstatic as I am.


"I'm so proud of you! I knew you could do it!"

"Thanks! I'm glad I can actually go to a college with people I know now." I admit.

At my community college, I knew and talked to no one, Unless the janitor counts. It really sucked but I'm glad its over.

"Me too. I hope we have at least some classes together" he chuckles.

"I know... and hopefully I don't get lost. That'll be a nightmare." I groan

I can just imagine myself walking around campus like a fool with my schedule in hand.

"You won't. Once you memorize the campus, it won't seem like a big deal. Plus, I'll show you around. I mean, I've been going to Duke for the past two years" he says proudly. Even though I can't see him, I can imagine the proud smile that has probably made its way to his face

"Ahh, I know I can always count on you Braxton." I chuckle.

There's a pause on his end of the line and some slight chatter yet I cant make out what is being said.

"Hold on for a second." he quickly says and the line goes silent.


A couple seconds later he came back to the phone.

"Sorry about that. My mom just came back with the new boy that will be living with us." he explains.

"Oh, it's fine."

"You should come over to meet him. And plus, Piper misses you."

"I'd love to. I miss her to, I feel sorry for the poor kid being the only young girl in the house." I smile.

His laughter fills my ear.

"She copes with it."

"Alright, I'll be over in a couple minutes."

"Okay, bye."


After saying our goodbyes, I grab my keys from the nightstand and make my way to the door.

"I'm going to Braxtons!" I yell out.

"Okay!" my dad yells back out.

I leave the house, feeling the cool air basically slap me in the face. I stuff my hands into the pocket of my sweater. I regret not wearing a coat.

I get into my car that is parked in the drive way and let it heat up. November weather in North Carolina is no joke.

After a couple of minutes, I start the car and begin to drive the familiar route to Braxtons house.

I turn on the radio and hum along to the Demi Lovato song that fills the space of my car. I don't really care for her but this song is nice.

I arrive at Braxtons house and make a run for his front door and knock when I reach it.

Austin, his younger brother opens the door and greets me once I get inside.

"Hey Lydia, long time no see huh?" I smile.

"Hey, I know." It truly has been a while and I have no one to blame for that but myself. I couldnt seem to face this family after what they found out.

"I'm guessing you're here to meet Harry." he says.

For a second I have no idea who he is talking about until I realize it must be the boy who would be staying with them.

"The boy who just arrived today." he confirms and I nod.

"And for Piper" I grin.

He chuckles as he leads me to their family room.

My eyes fix on the burgundy sofa and a boy who looks about my age is seated. He is not facing my direction but I can make out some of his features. His jawline is a very prominent feature. His curly dark brown hair is swooped back by a plain black bandana and a black coat is draped over his shoulders.

His head soon turns towards me and he glances at Austin, then at me.

I have to admit, his eyes look amazing. The hazel green color isn't something I see everyday, and I like that.

"Hi." I finally speak up.

He gives me a small smile and I immediately notice his dimples. He quickly then gives his attention back to Ms.Miller

"Okay and as for the rest of your clothes, they'll be shipped here in about 2 days." their mother says, standing up.

"Oh hello Lydia. Its nice to see you here." she says noticing my presense.

"Hello" I say hugging her.

"If anyone needs me, I'll be out back cleaning up the patio." She walks away leaving just Austin, Harry, and I in the family room.

Harry fixes his eyes on different objects in the room, avoiding eye contact with either of us.

"I'll go find Piper." I excuse myself from the highly awkward situation and make my way to what I believe to be her room.

"Goodbye." a faint yet thick British accent speaks and I assume it to be Harry's voice.

Hi guys! I'm really glad I finished the first chapter of this book. I plan for there to be ALOT of stuff happening in this story so stay tuned! And Btw, as for Harry in this story, I imagine him during his TMH times lol.

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