Music Practice and Betrayal

Start from the beginning

"Are you ready." He asked sweetly, as I tried to hold back a smile, but failed. I looked at his beautiful emerald eyes and found the loss of words. Faith, please don’t do this to yourself. I thought to myself, as that’s all I really tend to do and nodded. He walked off, back muscles flexing through his tight white shirt. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." He said, turning around and winking as I slightly blush and clear my throat, walking behind him. “Hold on.” He said getting seriously as I got behind him. He put his thumb on my chin, sending a shiver up my spine, and my eyes to widen. “You’ve got a bit of drool on your cheek there.” He smirked as I rolled my eyes and pushed his hand away, mumbling a ‘whatever’, but giggling slightly.

"Wow, this is your music room." He nodded slowly as he continued to watch me. "It's amazing." I said breathlessly as I stared around the midnight black room. It had a white piano in the back corner along with a whole drum set, then a bunch of guitars. This would be a perfect getaway for me if I had what he had. "How do you afford this?" I said mumbled once again as I looked back at him. He smiled and slowly moved closer to me as he also scoped the room.

"My step-dad works in the music business." He continued to smile sweetly, his dimples becoming prominent.

"Well that makes sense." I reply feeling a bit dumb-founded. “We should get started.” I say, breaking our moment of silence. “ I'd love to hear your voice." Did I just say that out loud? He looked down at his feet, smiling getting even bigger as he looked back into my eyes.

"You think my voice is good?" His deep voice echoed with curiousness. I nodded and grabbed his hand leading him to the piano. 

"Tell you what.” He said, trying to come up with a bargain since I’ve only heard him sing once before, but I’m almost positive he’s never heard me. “I’ll sing for you, if you sing for me first." He said looking into my eyes. I nodded slowly, taking a deep breath.

"I guess." I said looking at the keys to the piano. I started to sing whatever song was on my mind at the time.

You push me back I'll push you back, harder, harder

You scream at me, I scream at you, louder, l-l-l-l-loud

I'm dangerous, I'm warning you, but you’re not afraid of me, and I can't convince you

Cause you don't know me

And the longer that you stay, the ice is melting

And the pain feels okay, it feels okay, hey

Once I finished singing, I looked at Harry to see his eyes were closed and his lips were curved upward. I smiled as he opened his eyes and looked at me, eyes bright. "You have a beautiful voice." He said honesty and happiness evident in his voice. I smiled even more and looked down at the piano keys, pulling a strand of hair out of my face.

"You have to sing for me now." I said looking up at him. He nodded and started to play the piano. He started to sing "Isn't She Lovely" by Stevie Wonder. He sounded amazing. I was literally in tears.  I tried to keep it on the down low, but I can’t help my sensitivity. When he finished he looked up at me, and his smile faded as he looked at me worried.

 "Are you crying?" He asked with my cold hand in his warm one. "Please don't cry." I laughed and his look turned  from worry to confused.

"I'm crying because your voice is so beautiful Harry." I said looking up to him as my green eyes stared into his. "Your voice is just lovely-Pun attended." I said as we both laughed and I squeezed his hand. He smiled at me, flashing me his dimples as his cheeks had a tint of red on them. How cute. I thought to myself, I just couldn’t help it.

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