"I'm sorry but, I don't know you"
What is with this guy? He's weird like the other dude back at the inn.

"Thresh told me something about a delicious soul he found, I assume it's you."

"Thresh? That skelly dude?" news travels fast in the spirit realm huh?

"Yes, he only believes in shackling the living and torment. But, the dead must walk free!"

"Look, I dislike trouble. Leave me alone"
I started to walk to the open cabin.

"Do you not want to be free?"

"Be free? I am already free."

"Flesh is but a prison!"

"Well, I'm free inside this prison. So, No, thanks!"
Geez, why is he so persistent? Are all dead people this lonely and bored that they would kill the living?

"I'm putting your name in my little black necronomicon. Name?"

Let's mess with him a little, since my ability is available I can take more risk. "Ligma" I stated.
Opening his book a pen formed from the mist and he started to write it down. "And?"


"So, Ligma Baw- DO YOU TAKE ME AS A FOOL!?!

Putting my pinky in my ear I pretended to not hear." Which dog is barking?"

"THIS DOG IS BARKING!" He quipped, realizing he fell for my trap he was furious. If looks could kill I would've already died a thousand times.

"pfft.."  The crew who were agonizing about the situation were holding their laughter but, failed miserably. "HAHAHA!"

Furious he tapped his staff on the floor and flipped the pages. "Expire! What's the incantation again... yes, erm... oh, right, R!"

He waved his staff in the air and his booked floated  infront. A screech then sounded like a siren and the sea around us rage almost flipping over the ship. The others covered their ears that now had blood coming out of it. The woman who was strangled 10 minutes ago wobbled towards me.
" Help. Us."

"Why should I? "

"We will. Take you wherever you want to go! Please.!



They could no longer hold on as they collapse. The woman was still clutching my shirt as she kneeled with a grim look. A tear was forming on the corner of her eyes.


"Your lucky he has a bad voice."

Looking towards the creature I activated Pulse Fire and light burst forth around me. The creature stopped singing and warily looked at me.

"You! WHY DO YOU HAVE THE POWER OF THE SENTINALS!?!" He screamed in his voice that had reverb.

"Sentinals? I do not know what you're talking about"
I activated it again. The ghouls fell of the ship.
And again. The mist started to retreat.

Once more I activated it, It was like my heartbeat. Every time it pulses, one of the undead gets purified.

I notice that if I will it to activate, It will fire.

I started to feel sluggish.
I need to end this now. Stomping my right foot, the wooden floor cracked and a blinding light discharged out of me. This time it was more powerful.

Wraithes, ghosts, ghouls panicked as they got caught in the light that burned like the sun. The creature read something on his book and a wall made of the undead and black mist rose from below blocking my attack.

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