Chapter 6

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Time skip~~~~

A year has passed, I've been doing well. Helping the villagers with the farm or maybe some manual labor. I stayed in the same house that Shen gave me back then.

I even decorated it with some stuff I bought at the market using the money from selling the vegetables and fruits the farmers pay me for the help.

The people working there were mostly the elderly since the younger ones are attending school or monastery. So I offered my help, I get my share of food before I go home at night.

Rue Zhi went back to his duties along with Akali and her group. But he would visit me for seven days a month to check up on me, Although Shen has been sending some ninjas to monitor my movements.

Most of the time they would just send Rue, He would wake me up early in the morning and ask for a spar. Seeing how I fought with the bladescouts, he requested that I train him. At first, I didn't wanna do it, but he kept following and bugging me. He would even randomly appear behind me while I do my private business.

Seriously, that guy stresses me out.After training him for 30 minutes every morning when he's sent to watch me, I would then go to the village chief's house to take any request. While just lazes around and eats the food.

He would sit on a branch while eating my sun apple, Yes "My" Sun apple. I ask him why he does it and his excuse was he needed the energy to keep watch for enemies.

I doubt they would attack, but it's never bad to be extra careful, having him watch my back while I work in the fields is reassuring not only for me but also for the old people who can't run.

Though he can't fight and only learned self-defense, if he can warn us before they attack then it will give us time to evacuate to the Pacidium.


I wiped my sweat with the cloth I had over my neck.

"Kiyotaka! the old man is calling us over" Rue said jumping down.

"Okay" We started walking towards the old man waving his hands in the air.

beside me, Rue opened his mouth and ask.

"Kiyotaka, hypothetically if you were to leave Ionia... where would you go?"

"Huh? Why do you ask?" I glance at him and his hands were fidgeting."No reason!"

he replied accompanied by an awkward laugh."

Well, If I had to pick then I'd say Bilgewater or Piltover"

We arrived where the old man was waiting and gave us our lunch, it consisted of different fruits and vegetables. We sat down on a nearby giant rock and continued our conversation.

"I can understand why u picked Piltover, but Bilgewater? You do know that is a place full of criminals right?"

Picking up the berry-like fruit he ate 3 at once.

"Maybe because I'm curious?"

I said looking at the basket of fruits and veggies I contemplated what to eat.

"Please don't go there Kiyotaka, It's a lawless place and you might get hurt"
his voice genuinely concerned.

"I think I can handle myself pretty well"

Oh, haven't seen this before. its appearance was like an orange but it tasted more like a carrot. What the hell? can you even eat this? I dangled it in front of me examining the thing.

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