Daycare fun (Sunrise and Moondrop/maintentance worker! reader) part 2

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Darn! That stupid machine ate the kid's ticket, and now after going through the hassle to get a Hippo magnet, it gave us a daycare pass! It's as if the universe is actively working against us.

At least there's a security badge we can snatch when we get in there. You've only seen your senior head out to checkup on the bot working there, and heard about the "technological marvel" with two personalities in one body, and haven't yet had the opportunity to meet him. Other staff mentioned how annoying the daycare attendant was, and how creepy it was when it skipped around, but you were a robot nerd, and self aware A.I. Of any kind would have difficulty dejecting you and your curiosity.
But given the circumstances i.e. possibly murderous animatronics roaming around, you decided to squash that feeling and try to be more professional.

"Hey little dude, just wanted you to know there's gonna be another animatronic in the daycare, but he had a recent checkup and didn't have any issues, so I think he'll still be safe like Freddy." Gregory looked up at me and blanched. "Is this really necessary? Can't there be another way to get the pass we need?"

This time, Freddy spoke up. "I'm afraid not Superstar. But try not to fret! You'll have Miss (Y/N) accompanying you, and she always get along great with any animatronic she meets, so I'm sure you'll both be welcomed in the daycare." You blushed at the compliment, then looked back down to the kid reassuringly. "I can go in by myself, but it's up to you since I'd be leaving you alone outside."

Gregory didn't seem happy with that though and he sighed looking around. Tentatively, he reached up and grasped your hand before looking away with a faint blush. "I don't want to be alone.." for a moment you mentally cooed at his cuteness, then squeezed his hand back. "You won't be left behind, Freddy and I will make sure of it."

The two of you reached the entrance and were met with a slide to lead you further in. You looked to Gregory questioningly but he looked back determined and ready to confront what laid in store. Without much fanfare, you slid down first just in case. Even as a adult it was pretty fun and you couldn't help but smile a bit as you went down.

After reaching the bottom, you saw a figure leap up and land in the ball pit. 'That was quick.'
A moment later Gregory joined you, and you helped him up. "He's somewhere in the ball pit, stay behind me and I'll do the talking." The boy looked up and nodded.

After a few steps, you saw nearby balls shift a little and that was all the warning you got before someone burst out directly in front of you, and hands grasped your waist before lifting you up to the face of the lanky jester.

"Helloooo! New friend! You're sure up late! Are we having a slumber party? Is that your friend over there?" The shock of being picked up left you a little stunned so you just let the sun themed daycare attendant carry you away to a table and set you down. After the feeling of weightlessness left you, you glanced up to the bright smiling face with milky white eyes. Then, just as suddenly as he carried you over he went back to Gregory who was attempting to sneak away, and plopped him right next to you. "We can finger paint, tell stories, drink Fizzy Faz until our heady ex-PLODE and stay up all night!" He continued to give an excited spiel about what activities you could do together until Gregory spoke up sounding irritated.

"Hey! Don't pick me up! I'm not a baby, and I can walk around myself like any adult!" Clearly the boy had something to prove to the bot that took care of toddlers.

You couldn't help but let out a short laugh at his expense. This kid is doing a terrible job of trying to seem mature. But realizing the attendant went quiet, you looked back to see why he stopped rambling only to meet his stare. 'Uhhh okay, maybe he's confused why we're here after hours. I should start with introductions.'

"Uh, hey! Sorry about dropping in on you after hours, I'm sure you wanted some alone time after being swarmed by kids all day. I'm (Y/N), and this is my bud Gregory. We just need the security pass here to help get the little guy home." You put your hand on the kids shoulder, and he looks up at you exasperatedly mouthing "little guy? seriously?!" Your grin only deepens.

"My name is Sunrise! But you can call me anything you like! It nice to meet you both! Most kids call me sundrop, but that might just be because they get me and my partner mixed up! Ha!" Sunrise's torso spins around in excitement before he faces us again. "I guess I can let you have the security card since you're a certified worker here Miss (Y/N)! I just have one rule for you both to follow while you're here. Keep the lights on. ON. on..." his voice deepened as he spoke and you couldn't help but feel a chill down your spine. Gregory looked concerned too and started inching away from the tall animatronic. Sunrise noticed the movement immediately though and hopped over to bring the kid closer again, but that only further frightened Gregory causing him to stumble into a tower of toys before running away scared. "Wait! Gregory! We need to stick together!" You yelled at the same time Sunrise exclaimed at the mess.

You paused about to pursue Gregory to look back at the sun themed jester. The poor guy probably is programmed to clean up messes before any other action, like tending to the children. 'They basically gave him OCD, that sucks.'

As he mumbled about which piece was the top and bottom, you came closer and started to help him rearrange the Jenja-like puzzle. "I'm sorry about him Sunny. He's just skittish around animatronics, especially since they're taller than him by a lot." His hands slowed for a moment before finishing the tower. "Usually the kids that come here are excited to see me..." you came by him to give a soft shoulder bump. 

"It's okay, some kids just need some time to get used to you, it's not your fault they're a little shy." Your pep talk seemed to cheer him up, and he began to skip again at a slow pace next to you as you both made your way over to where Gregory ran off. Being able to make him feel better made you feel a little lighter inside too and you smiled softly.

"I like the nickname you came up for me! I've never been called sunny before! Moondrop sometimes calls me Sunnyside-up, but I think he's referencing the egg and not in a nice way." He pouts at the end, but his mood stays bright.
"Well, that's a pretty cute nickname too in my opinion." you finish your statement with a smile directed up to him, and he meets your gaze for a moment until his little skip stutters a second and he steady a himself. His little bells on his costume shake with every movement almost like a pet cat and you smile to yourself thinking of the imagery. You also wondered how it was possible for him to converse with his other half. 'Did they share thoughts? Communicate telepathically? Could both control the body at the same time? Probably the second option, but maybe you could ask him more about it later.'

When we finally find Gregory he's behind the security desk already searching for the keycard. "New friend, this- this area is off-limits. You're gonna get us in trouble!" Suddenly, the concerned Sunrise sped up his skipping over to the counter, frightening Gregory again and causing the boy to mistakenly flip the light switch while grabbing the security card.

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