Chapter Eight

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Trisha's pov :

Walking into the library i thought , ' some quietness can possibly help me think clearly.

Do i like Sunghoon?
I mean yes I like him as a friend honestly.
He's charming
He's caring
He might be silent most of the times but he does care a lot for his Friends.

"Ugh ! I don't know! " I was too confused to think.

Walking along the shelves , i suddenly saw a book on a top rack titled ' Know If You Are In Love '.

Sue me for thinking, but i think this book can help me realize. But how do i reach it?

This is the time i hate myself for being so short. I thought about calling someone to help but I'm to self dependent to do so. That's why friends , I'm planning to climb the shelf.

Putting one of my feet on the corner of the second rack for the below i tried to hoist myself up and reach the book. But soon i felt my feet slipping .

Is this how we die?

" Woah , stop trying to do acrobatics here . You're gonna break yourself " i heard a voice right behind me as one hand held my waist stabling me while the otherpicked up the book i was reaching for .

Turning back i saw it was Taehyung , his face so close to me . I gulped and said , " i wasn't trying acrobatics. I wanted that book "

He then put me down and looked at the book reading , " ' Know If You Are In Love' huh? Are you in love with someone? " He teased me .

I was flustered and replied , " what ! No no , i just wanted to see what it was about . Nothing else . That's it "

" Oh okay, i understand. But If you wanted to know , all you had to do was ask me . I know a few things about falling for someone."

Ofcourse you do . You're the heartthrob after all . Huh .

Look at you being jealous awwww.

Shut up ! No I'm not.

" Really? Pray tell Guruji, how do you know if you like someone? Enlighten me."

" You see , when you like someone you don't just like their face or beauty . You like how they act , how they think . You like to see them smile , you want to hear their laugh at the fucking time . You just become deeply emersed in them. "

" Woah , that's pretty deep ." I thought. He sounded like he was very passionated about this , like he liked someone too .

" It is . There's no way out of this feeling. The constant need to see them , the dire wish to make them happy in every way possible. When you look in their eyes , your whole world vanishes. The only thing remaining is she and she only "

As he said the last part and looked into my eyes , it scared me. Because he was looking at me like i was his world .

Holy shit . Does he like me too?


I don't know how long we kept staring at each other when Hana came and broke the bubble. He then looked at me with determined eyes and just said ,
" I hope you understood what you were looking for "

" What the heck happened , Trisha? Are you okay? You look dazed "

" I don't know what to do Hana ! " I cried out " Jiho told me Sunghoon likes me , on the other hand now i think Taehyung likes me as well ! Why me out of everyone? I'm not worth this much! "

"Stop underestimating yourself Trisha . You're gorgeous and such a nice person . ofcourse they like you because you're worth it. You deserve it okay? " Suhyeon spoke , " Besides we kinda guessed about both of them liking you. Don't worry ok? You'll figure it out "

"But how ?? I don't even know whom i like. How do i choose one of them ? "

" Just tell me Trisha, do you find Sunghoon attractive? "

" Yes, he is quite handsome . He has a nice look , his hair is so silky looking . He has a killer jawline almost like Taehyung's . His nose is quite sharp looking and his smirk is eye-catching , not as much as taehyung's but pretty nonetheless. The way he gazes at me makes me feel very pretty and soothing . A total opposite of the way Taehyung looks at me. Tae's gaze makes me feel like I'm floating and it ruins my focus , doesn't let me think about anything else. It consumes my mind . Sometimes when tae smiles his boxy and cute smile it looks so ethereal on him. I feel drunk when he looks at me and - " Hana cut me off saying,

" God , she's already in to deep "

" What? " I was confused.

" Trisha did you even realize that we asked about Sunghoon but all of your thoughts just ran back to another guy? It just makes it clear that you like Kim Taehyung . " Suhyeon said.

" Yeyyy! Know you guys and me and Joshi can double date together ! " Hana danced around.

" Not so soon dumbo" Suhyeon shushed her.

While i was lost in my thoughts. Did i really like Taehyung?

Duh! We are consumed in his smirk .
Of course, he's the one.

For once, i agree with my subconscious.

I like Kim Taehyung.


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