Pissed? Freeze dem lemons

Start from the beginning

On another note, Yuma was starting to lose his cool. What was the damn problem with Medein? Yeah, it was better than his home but...

Yuma frowned. It's like they're trying to stop kindness.

Jin noticed Yuma's mood, and decided to stay out of it. He didn't really approve of how Kitora was handling this anyway.

Kitora smirked. "It's too late for regrets now." She closed her eyes in what seemed to be exasperation, yet her smile was still present. "Huh! That's the problem with trainee's..."

Usami shrugged. "Well, when life gives you lemons-" "-Freeze them and throw them as hard as you can at the people making your life difficult." Yuma finished, looking annoyed.

Kitora stiffened as the chaotic people in the room wheezed.

Chika looked at Yuma, nervously smiling. "I don't think that's how the saying goes..."

"Hey, you." Yuma spoke, making Kitora open her eyes in surprise.

Yuma sat there, duck faced with his hand on his chin. "Why so arrogant, when you arrived late?"

Kitora flushed red as the rest of the Arashiyama squad looked sheepish.

Osamu gaped as Kitora looked offended, eyes narrowing. "Who are you?" She asked, displeased.

"Someone who was saved by Osamu." Yuma fibbed, looking equally displeased.

"Stop it Kuga, remain quiet!" Osamu warned, voice quite so not to be heard.

Yuma stepped forward, ignoring the glasses boy. "Do you need permission to help someone in Japan?"

Kitora looked smug, realising by Yuma's wording that Yuma was foren. "That's up to the individual of course."

Hyuse raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Then what is the problem?"

"Do you even know what help is in the Neighborhood?" Miwa jabbed.

Yuma, who quite frankly had enough, shut him up. "I wouldn't act so high and mighty when someone just did your job for you."

The B-ranks and higher winced.

"Owch." Izumi chuckled, not really offended.

"But that's only when you don't use a trigger." Kitora continued. "If you are using a trigger, you need permission from Border." She said, full of confidence. "It's obvious, isn't it? Trigger's belong to Border."

This viably irritated Hyuse, but the Neighbor chose to remain silent.

"What are you saying?" Yuma asked, looking genuinely confused. "Trigger's belonged to the Neighbors."

Kitoras eyes widened as those around them looked at Yuma in shock.

Yuma didn't seem to care. "Do you ask the Neighbors each time you use them?"

Replica once again booped Yuma in the head. Yuma was too annoyed to care, though.

"Mannn, at least try to sugarcoat it." Oki complained.

Kagera snorted. "He doesn't need to sugarcoat shit. Does he look like Willy Wonka?"

Azuma laughed at that one.

Kitora stared for a second before becoming offensive. "Are you repudiating Borders activities?" She threw back.

Yuma ignored her. "Or rather, you don't like the fact that Osamu got praised." Kitora gaped, struggling to find words. "W-What are you saying?" Osamu looked confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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