Visitor from the other world

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(A/N ) I do not own this image 


Yuma was not alright. He was never alright. Standing upon a blood soaked ground, his trigger body almost completely unscathed, Yuma heard the triumphant cheers of his comrades. As much as he should, Yuma didn't feel happy. All the strong opponents who had the ability to kill him, except for the one who actually did, were put down. And all the weak, well lets just say his 14 - almost 15- year old hands were permanently stained. Worst of all he was known to be feared by both his enemies and allies. He was a monster, and even the kindest thought so.

Yuma shrugged off his thoughts, and went to converse with those who liked that he was a monster. "Trigger off." Walking over to his war buddies, he very soon found that to be impossible, as a bright light engulfed him.

No pov

Screams and yells of confusion fill what appears to be a movie theater. " Ehhhh? W- what happened? " Yuiga shreaked. "CALM THE HELL DOWN " Izumi yelled, but was clearly just as shaken. " Jin." Reji started turning to look at the power elite, as calm as ever. "How come we weren't alerted of this? " It wasn't an accusation, but simple curiosity. "Ahhhh, I wish I could tell you, but I did not foresee any of this." Jin stated with his usual laid back face.

" Osamu? " Chika said as she spotted her friend among the crowd. " What's going on? Who are these people? " She quietly said, not wanting to be noticed by the crowd of strangers. "Ch-Chika! " Osamu exclaimed in surprise. " Well, as far as I can see these people are from Border. But I have no Idea why we're here. More so why you're here. " Osamu said, becoming worried.

In the very back of the theater, out of the others' sight, Yuma and Hyuse were having a silent standoff. " What's an Afto soldier doing here? " Yuma said, breaking the silence. His eyes are sharp, yet he has a calm smile on his face. "I could ask the same to you, isn't your country at war right now?" Hyuse asked, noticing Yumas clothing. Yuma reverted back to his usual duck face, seeing as the Afto had no intention to fight. "Just finished today, actually. " Hyuse also relaxed. "I see. Congratulations. " But then both found themselves preparing for a fight again as aggressive claims started to float through the room.

" I bet this is because of the Neighbors. " "This has to be the Neighbors fault. " "What are those damn monsters planning now?! " Two clapps echoed through the room. Everyone turned to see none other but Tachikawa. " How about instead of getting upset over something we don't have proof for, how about we look for some clues as to what's going on. " He suggested.

" Yuma." Replica whispered in Yumas ear, gaining his attention. " There seems to be a note at the front of the room. Whether you go for it or not is your choice. " The trion soldier supplied. Yuma hummed in recognition. He then proceeded to walk to the front of the room, ignoring the fact that everyone now had their eyes on him.

Passing many rows of red seats, he arrived in front of a small table with a white piece of paper sitting on it. Sitting behind the table was a huge wall that appeared to be a screen of some sort. Everyone now was aware of what he was going for.

" Hey wait a second, who are you? What's your rank?" Konami demanded, never having seen the boy before. Yet one glance told her that he was not one to mess with. Many people who were having the same thought kept their eyes on him.

.....But they were only given a duck faced glance as Yuma turned his attention to the paper, effectively pissing most higher ranks off. Opening his mouth to speak he read; " Greetings members of Border, and those few who are not. If you wish to leave you must see your fate. Escape is not an option. As you watch you will be provided with drinks and food of your choice. Please take your seat and we will begin." The duck faced boy finished. The Borders puppy boy ran up to Yuma to look at the note himself. " Whoa~ It really does say that!" Midorikawa said in amazement. Kageura scowled. " Yeah right like hell were gonna-" He was interrupted by loud crunching. Everyone whipped their heads over to see the Tamakoma branch (Minus the staff, Yotaro and Rindo) already settled in, Jin happily snacking on his new found bag of rice crackers.

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