She placed her hand on the back of Cato's neck and brought him down. They both gasped for air from the little breaks they got when they moved away slightly, only to pull each other back in. Neither of them could believe they were doing this, especially the night before they'll both get shipped off to fight in a death arena. But a kiss was exactly what they needed. Cato was stressed about the games and now the new love story he and Devyn had announced with Caesar. And Devyn was craving psychical affection more than anyone right now.

The elevator doors opened, and Cato guided the two out. They stood in the cool night air as their hands laced together, Cato's going over Devyn's in such a manner that showed her that everything he was doing right now and every feeling was genuine. It reassured her and made her feel safe like he would protect her like he promised he would.

They gradually disconnected, taking long breaths as Devyn rested her head against Cato's rising chest. One of his hands went running through her still wavy hair while the other still had her own hand in a tight hold. "I haven't felt like that in a long time," Devyn whispered, hesitantly reaching out to wrap her arms around his torso, which he accepted.

"Felt what?"

"Bliss. Pure euphoria to the point where you forget everything around you," he couldn't help the slight smirk of triumph after hearing what he could do to her so easily. He was glad something as simple as a kiss could make Devyn weak in the knees and forget about all her issues because god knows she needed peace for just a moment of her life.

He grabbed her chin between his fingers and kissed her again, but this much shorter and more for the sake of wanting to feel that addictive feeling again. "You know I meant it, right? In the interview about you catching my eye," he hummed, and Devyn chuckled.

"Right after you called me an idiot."

"I didn't mean that. I have to keep my reputation, especially in interviews like that. If anything, you've made me question these games more than anyone I've known. You have to believe me."

"But that's the thing," Devyn said, backing out of Cato's arms. "I can't tell what's real and what's a lie anymore. You were right saying I was easily manipulated, so maybe this is just another game to you."

He grabbed her hand, preventing her from stepping back any further. "Don't say that, Devyn. I was intimidated and foolish, and the moment I said those words to you, I felt guilty. I saw the look in your eyes and knew that you weren't some normal girl I could mess up."

"Then what am I?"

"You're a fighter which may sound crazy, especially when in the context of a relationship, but it's true. You don't let yourself or others you care about get dragged down despite your doubts. You aren't scared of me like most people are. You knew right away the second you spoke to me that I wasn't some merciless killer. And maybe you tricked your mind into thinking that, but your gut knew the truth. You were empathic towards me and my pathetic situation."

"It's not pathetic —"

"You said so yourself."

"Yes, well, you didn't choose this path. District two brainwashed you."

"So you're saying that if I were raised in District seven, I would've turned out differently?"

"Something similar to Leighton depending on your wealth," Devyn smirked while Cato scoffed, thinking of it as an insult.

She giggled, and Cato stopped being offended and stared at her. "Thank you. For everything you've taught me since we've met."

"And thank you."

"I haven't taught you a thing —"

"You taught me how to wield a sword," Cato laughed loudly, bringing Devyn into an embrace.

HELL FROM THE POWERS TRILOGY | C. HADLEYUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum