Chapter 7

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3rd person

after adrien broke the kiss he broke it and looked at mari lovingly, who knew you could find true love so young..."now all i have to do is tell my parents..." marinette said

"oh goodness how do you think they will react?" adrien said scared "well i dont know ive never told them anything so big like this, also i hid it from them for 2 months soo..." she said with a sigh

adrien sighed as well "only one way to find out" he said to her with a smile of encouragement, marinette took a deep breath and said "lets go"

with that adiren transformed into chat noir and jumped out the trapped door only to find an alley and detranceform then high tailed over to the backery

marinette went downstairs calling her parents "mom, dad we need to talk..." she said with a shaky voice, when she got downstairs she made her parents sit down on the couch

"adrien will be here in a minute.." she said quietly while looking down, on cue adrien knocked and mari went to go open it for him

"can you go sit down with my parents?" mari asked him and he obeyed, now everyone was on the couch and mari was standing in front of the getting mentally prepared

marinettes pov

"mom, dad," i whispered looking down, i could feel the tension esculate quickly this was not good, oh goodness their going to disown me

i started to cry, my mom was the first to react and pulled me into a hug while whispering words like "its going to be ok, your ok, were not mad" it helped me calm down

it was quiet in the room until my dad finally reacted yelling out "IM GOING TO BE A GRANDPA!!" then he just realized how he was not old enough to be a grandpa

"wait a minute...YOUR ONLY 16 CHILD WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?" but he wasnt talking to me instead he was talking to adrien and hit him upside the head but lightly so he would not hurt the poor boy

"we didnt mean to sir im so sorry.." he said scared for his life "thats ok son" he boomed bring adrien into a tight bear hug "as long as you dont leave her we should be ok"

"oh i...would never...sir dying...over here....cant breath..." adrien said which made me laugh alittle now that im out of my mothers grasp i was looking at the two boys

my dad finally let go realizing he was suffocating adrien "does your dad know son?" my dad said which caused me and adrien to stiffen up

i never thought about telling adrien, his dad was so cold and i dont know if i will be able to tell him, from adriens exresstion i think he is thinking the same thing

"no we have not told him yet.." he said quietly looking down "i dont think he will take it well..." everyones eyes were on the poor boy in front of us

subcontously i made my way over to him and pulled him into a hug and whispered to him "everything is going to be ok dont worry we can do this"

all you could hear was a bunch of "awww" and "so cute" which made me adn adrien blush as i broke our hug and started dragging adrien to the door

"we'll be right back just have to go to adriens dad now" i said as we exited the house and made our way to adriens house, when we got there adrien looked as if he was going to pass out

"its ok we got this i can do the talking if you want?" i suggested "no no you've done enough talking its my turn, dont worry i got this" he said getting pumped

this made me laugh and we finally rang the door bell and went inside, after a couple of minutes gabriel was right in front of us awaiting for our news

"um ah father...y-your g-going to b-be a g-grand f-father.."adrien said with his voice shaking, to our surprise gabriel started to smile

"are you serious?" he asked looking at me, i nodded and he started to walk down the stairs towards us, i was starting to get nervous and when he reached us he did something really unexpected

he hugged us both in a group hug, then he invited me over for dinner. this went a lot better than i expected, we were all talking about what we would name the baby

"what about emma if its a girl?" i suggested, i got the name from adriens mom but i did not want to ruin the mood "that reminds me so much of emily i love it" gabrial said

adrien went quiet so i looked at him and seen he was smiling and crying at the same time, i quickly got up and went over to hug him "are you ok" was all i said

i nodded really fast and hugged me "i just really love the name, now i really hope its a girl!" he said which made me smile "well we will find out next week" i told him while smiling

"really?" he said so excided which made me laugh "really" i said and broke the hug to find out gabrial was looking at us the whole time with a warm smile on his face

"your going to be an amazing mom and wife one day mrs.marinette dupain-cheng" he said the formal name sounded odd to me "please just call me marinette" i said with a warm smile

"the formal name just sounds odd to be.." i said and he nodded "of course marinette" he said and looked at his son who was being quiet yet again

"son are you alright" gabrial said as i went to go take my seat once again

"i couldnt be better" he said with a smile

boo-ya!!! another chapter done!!!

(date- 12/22/21 time- 7:33pm)

!!!BUG OUT!!!

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