Chapter 31: Shattered

Start from the beginning

The cottage was destroyed. Cold air sent chills down his back. He looked for any sign of Granger, seeing a black duffel on the floor near the hall.

He could smell the blood before he saw it.

"No." He panicked, rushing through the sitting room, his breathing ragged and heart racing.

He felt the earth fall from under him.

Granger was slumped against the wall, blood leaking from slashes that were everywhere—her face, her arms, her back. "Blaise!" Draco called, rushing to her side, moving too slow to try to avoid the glass.

She had to be alive. He wouldn't let anything else be true. Hermione was alive.

Blaise and Theo were there a heartbeat later, Blaise using his wand to vanish the glass from the dining table and rolling up his sleeves. "Quick, get her up here."

Blaise was already performing a diagnosis charm as Draco lifted Granger's broken body.

There was red. So much red. A fatal amount of red.

The worst was the laceration to the base of her skull and a deep gash in her back close to her spine. An old wound on her arm explained why she bellowed in pain as Weasley had grabbed her. She had been splinched—fucking splinched—and it hadn't healed properly.

He took a shuddering breath.

Blaise shifted into a healer's calm as he began a series of intricate healing spells. Draco felt like he was going to be sick, his heart threatening to beat out of his chest. She was too hurt, too broken.

"You're okay," he murmured to her as he brushed her blood-soaked curls out of her too pale face. He held her close to him, his eyes stinging with tears. "You have to help her, Blaise. You have to fix her," Draco cried through clenched teeth.

"I know, mate, I got her," Blaise reassured. "You have to let her go now so I can work."

He couldn't. He couldn't let her go. He was always trying to hold on to her, but every time she slipped from his reach. And every time, she ended up hurt. He couldn't let her go.

Blaise was reading his diagnosis charm. "Theo, look for healing potions or herbs. Bring me anything you can find." A nod, and Theo was headed into the kitchen, slinging open drawers and cabinet doors. "I can't help her if you don't move, Draco."

He squeezed his eyes shut, tears streaming down his face as he softly released her, staying close as his friend worked to save her.

"Theo! I need potions—anything—just find it!" Blaise called. He swallowed as he looked to the ground next to them. "Draco... is he—is he dead?"

"What?" Draco's brow furrowed. "What are you talking about?"

"Weasley. Draco, is Weasley dead?"

He followed Blaise's gaze to the body he hadn't noticed in his haste to find Granger. He hadn't even realized he was standing in an ocean of Weasley's blood.

"Holy gods," he whispered, eyes falling on the large shard of jagged glass embedded into the wizard's neck. "What did she do?"

It was too much. No one could survive a blow like that.

Hermione had killed him.

Two fingers to Weasley's wrist confirmed it. No pulse. Dead.

Draco ran nervous hands through his hair. "We have to get out of here, Blaise, now. She can't be here when the Aurors show up."

"I'm trying," Blaise said, sweat beading down his forehead. "I can't move her until she's stable." Theo ran into the room with an armful of different potions and wraps. His eyes widened as he took in the scene.

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