Chapter 29: Golden Again

Start from the beginning

"She looks okay," Blaise said, relief in his voice. "Don't do anything stupid, Draco. We need to play this right, or we'll risk ruining everything."

Draco knew his friend was right, taking a deep breath to steady himself. Looking back up, he met her eyes, making his legs almost buckle beneath him.

And although her face gave nothing away, he knew by the slight dip of her chin that she was telling him she was okay.

I love you, he tried to say. And I will get you out of this.


It had been an effort not to sigh with relief.

Hermione thanked the Gods above as she noticed Theo, alive and smiling dotingly at Blaise.

Alive. Theo was alive.

And beside him stood Draco, his eyes following her every move.

She tried to focus on Ron and the conversation he was having with an older wizard who had stopped them before they had barely entered, forcing herself to look away from Draco. It wasn't safe to involve him in her plans for escape. She had caused enough heartache in his life.

"I see your business is doing well," the wrinkled man boomed.

"Very well," Ron retorted. His grip on her was unwavering, even as he smiled and nodded his head at potential investors and other business leaders. She peeked the tip of her wand tucked in the inside pocket of his dress robes.

"If you try anything stupid, Hermione, I swear it will be the last thing you ever do."

She was helpless without her wand, and although she had considered simply swiping a new wand off of an unsuspecting witch or wizard, she knew that getting caught would only cause more issues for her. More questions she couldn't answer.

Hermione may be a coward, but she was not a thief.

A woman with hair the color of fire sauntered over to the two of them, a soft smile spreading across her freckled face.

Ginny Potter was dressed in a flowing red gown that made her look like living flame. With every move Hermione could have sworn she heard the crackle of embers.

"I'm so glad you're doing better, Mione," Ginny beamed as she wrapped her arms around Hermione in a hug.

Hermione tried to hide the pain that throbbed in her arm at the touch. Ginny let her go with concern in her eyes. "I'm sorry," she said, raking her ocean eyes over Hermione, assessing her for injuries.

"It's fine," Hermione assured her with a shake of her head. "Just a bit sore."

She noticed Harry then, standing behind his wife with two glasses of champagne. He handed one to Ron as he asked Hermione, "How was your recovery? And how, again, did you hurt yourself?"

"Great," Hermione lied. "Just a small brooming accident. You know how clumsy I am on those things."

Blood soaked sheets and broken bottles of Dittany flashes through her mind. No, her recovery was far from great.

Hermione could feel Ginny's gaze on her. "Weird," the youngest Weasley murmured. "Every time I've ever tried to get you on a broom, you've down right refused. Why the sudden change of heart?"

She avoided her knowing look, choosing to instead focus on the people gathering in the center of the floor to dance. "Just thought I'd try to overcome a fear," she answered. Ron's grip grew tighter.

After a moment of deafening silence, Ginny took in a breath. "Ron, dance with me—oh don't give me that look. You will dance with your sister." The red-head plucked the already empty champagne flute from her brother's hands and placed it on a nearby tray. Ron's dark eyes found Hermione's for a heartbeat before he was pulled away, leaving Hermione alone with Harry.

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