Chapter 2

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"Philbrooke?" The cat didnt respond, of obvious reasons. she ran over and hugged the corpse. It was her fault he died, after all. She thought he ran outside and got hit by a truck before the mess got so bad. She realized he was under the mess the entire time. she was holding him to tightly, as she realized this she dropped him and his eyeball fell out and rolled on the floor. Suddenly, she heard a crash that sounded like a plate being dropped on the floor. she ran in the kitchen to find her favorite plate smashed, the biggest ceramic peice holding a sticky note. It read, "Damn, you thought you got all your mess picked up, to bad you cant pick up your act HaH -C

"What does this mean? Who is this? Why are you here??! Cathlyne said, only to recive no reply. She sat on the floor, bawling, feeling like she was going mad, until she heard loud knocks at the door. she got up to open it, tripping over piles. it took 10 minuets to open the door. She opened the door to find two skeletons in police uniforms at the door. She was scared but invited them in. they scanned the house before entering, they took one look and the tallest one, Bob radioed for backup, and they stepped inside. Cathlynes neighbors had called for a wellness check, as they had smelled a fowl odor, presumably from all the trash that hadnt been taken out in months. Cathlyne laughed it off and told the officers that she was fine, she had just cured her mental illness. "Yeah, right." said Jhon, the short officer under his breath as they stepped around the piles to the kitchen. Cathlyne asked them if they wanted fresh baked brownies, when they said yes she pulled the tray out of the oven, which wasent on. They reached over to grab some off the tray, only to see maggots reeling all over them. they dropped them on the floor. "Anything wrong, officers?" Cathlyne said with smirk on her face. "Nothing!" they both said in sync. "Just a little... hot.. is all!" said Jhon as he hesitantly, as he took a huge bite, feeling the maggots crawl down his throat. Cathlyne reached over to grab a knife, seemingly to cut more, and she quickly jumoed up and slashed Jhons jugular, and started to chase after bob. They both still looked like skeletons to her. She took a risk and jumped after bobs ankles. she got him, and dragged his body across the floor. He clawed the air for something to grab onto, and grabbed a sweater from one of the bottom parts of the piles. It tumbled over reveling 5 bodys. He looked closer at his dark surroundings and saw hands, feet, and torsos all throughout the piles. He screamed. Cathlyne took a metal kettle and smacked him upside the head. He saw red, then black, then it all faded away.

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