Chapter One

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"Wow." Cathlyne gasped.
she knew she was manic but she didnt care. the mess was finally all gone, and she intended to keep it that way so she could enjoy the fruits of her labor.
the mess has mostly consisted of food wrappers, t.v. dinner containers, and dirty laundry (or clean, she couldnt really tell) but thisepisode was particularly unmanageable. She hadnt left her house in months. Now it was finally all gone. she was proud of herself. she was determined to live a better life. she made herself lunch and made a point to wash the knjfe she used for making her pb&j and took her medication, wondering if she could talk to her doctor abt coming off her meds, since she was cured now.
Cathlyne sat down her he clean couch with a can of pop. she turned on her tv channel to the show Hoarders and reclined her chai back to view better, and within minutes she fell asleep. she woke up and checked the clock. "I literally slept for 2 hours? How can i stay better if i sleep all day?" Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud crash coming from the kitchen. she cautiosly stepped around the clothes and wrappers on the floor. "Wait, didnt i just pick this up?" she yelled into the darkness.
On top of a stack of a t.v. dinner trays she found a cats food bowl, and inside the bowl there was a cats collar with a small bell attached. On top of the next pile? A squashed cat, with its neck hanging by a thread.

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