Holi can't help the laugh that escapes her. It's good to see Mac and Bell just be kids. Carefree and enjoying life. That's how it should be. They should not be trying to find a safe space to sleep every night or clinging to each other in fear while Holi is trying to ward off the drunk couple who keep trying to take Bell with them to beg on the street corner. No. This is what they should be doing running around and laughing while chasing the ugliest dog Holi has ever seen and a big ball.

Holi is watching Mac, Bell and Sir Charles run around the pool when she sees a man standing by the door leading into what looks like the lounge of the main house. Austin Post.

Now let's be straight here. Holi is only 18 and if she was not trying to raise her siblings, run from child services, search for food every day and just try to stay alive so she can continue to protect her siblings, she would be besotted with Austin. She knows nothing about football, has not ever watched a full game. But if she was into football and if she ever did watch a football game, it would be one that Austin plays in.

Austin Post is delicious.

Right now he is standing in loose blue jeans, no shoes and a soft white threadbare v-neck that shows off all his tattoos. He has a soft smile on his face and his brown hair is pulled back into a bun. He is watching the kids run around behind Sir Charles, chuckling now and then. Holi feels hot and the palms of her hands start sweating.

When Bell gets near to him she stops chasing the dog and chooses to walk up to Austin. For a beat, she is just standing in front of him looking up while he looks down at her. Then she lifts her arms and makes grabby hands for him to pick her up. He smiles and scoops her up. Holi can see him talking to her and whatever he is saying is making her giggle. Bell hates people, what is going on here.

Mac realizes that Austin is standing there too so he also stops his running around and walks up to Austin. They exchange some words and then shake hands. If Mac's smile could get any bigger it would split his face in two. He is talking, obviously telling Austin a story. Austin's face remains genuine as Mac talks like he is really interested in whatever Mac is saying. He does not get that bored look on his face most adults do when teenagers talk to them. Interesting.

"I take it from where we picked you guys up from that you are raising your siblings.....on your own"

Holi turns to Ren who is looking at her not with pity,  but with understanding. She nods her head at him.

"Well Holi, I can say with confidence that you have done a great job so far with them. They are good kids"

Holi smiles and gives a curt nod of thanks. She does not trust her voice right now. When anyone says anything about Mac and Bell she gets emotional. She loves them so much. They are all she has in this world. Laughing breaks her thoughts and when she looks back over to Austin and her siblings they all look so happy. Like this is how they spend every Friday afternoon.

Bell has clambered over Austin and is now on his back, her chubby little arms wrapped around his neck. Austin is showing Mac how to use a remote car that Sir Charles is now staring at intensely. When Mac gets the hang of the remote car he moves it forward. Sir Charles gets so excited it looks like he is having a seizure and then he is chasing after it. Bell is bouncing around in delight, thank goodness Austin keeps a secure arm around her otherwise she would go flying.

Holi hears a groan from behind her, when she turns around she sees it's just Trevor. But he is looking so forlorn that Holi smiles a little.

"I can't believe this! Look how perfect this looks. Woman would melt at this sight! Game Tickets and merch would be flying off the shelves. I can't believe he said no media or photos."

A thousand bad times - Post Malone Where stories live. Discover now