I followed Bobby up the stairs towards the offices.

I couldn't help it, the words slipped out as my heart beat faster and faster as we approached Matthew's office, "Is everything alright Bobby?"

He looked at me, eyes wide and replied, "Let's just say it's been one hell of a morning Rogers."

I nodded as he opened the office door for me. Instead of being greeted by Matthew's sly and egotistical face, it was another face entirely sitting behind the desk.

It was Howard Stark. He was sitting casually and discussing something with a vaguely familiar white haired man who stood behind him, holding a small file.

I realized I was in real trouble, like actual trouble. I wasn't sure if it was common practice to be fired by the Howard Stark, but there really couldn't be another reason for this meeting. I wished I'd had time to wash my face. I was thankful the office was quiet and free from most of the noises in the warehouse. Whatever was about to be said to me, I wanted to hear it clearly.

"Hello my dear." Howard Stark stood up and stepped out from behind the desk to greet me. He reached out his hand. "Miss Rosemarie Rogers I presume."

I nodded and shook his firm hand, it was calloused, something I didn't expect for a man of his regard. "Yes sir, call me Rosie." I said, the shaking all over my body refusing to cease.

"Fantastic to meet you Rosie. I'm Howard Stark." He lead me into the room leaving Bobby near the doorway still looking perplexed.

"This is my colleague, Dr. Erskine." He motioned to the man behind him.

I shook the Doctor's hand, terrified still. Why would they have a doctor here?

"Pleasure to meet you." He smiled kindly and spoke with a very heavy accent.

"Please have a seat Rosie." Mr. Stark said kindly. "Did you enjoy the exhibition?"

I nodded. "Of course."

"Excellent." Mr. Stark said sitting on the desk's edge across from me.

"I don't understand." I expressed still shivering with nerves.

Both men looked at each other, as if holding in an inside joke.

"Is this about the incident with Matthew on Friday?" I asked, "I assume that is what this is about."

Mr. Stark laughed, followed by a slight chuckle from Dr. Erskine behind him.

"The appalling situation with Mr. Barker is being handled." Mr. Stark said kindly taking my hand and speaking very clearly to me. "You do not have anything to worry about. He has been released from his position and he will never again work for my company."

"I'm not being fired?" I asked as a weight lifted from my shoulders.

"Of course not." Mr. Stark smiled. "Why in the world would I fire one of the best welders on my payroll?I've seen your file Rogers, and I like what I see. Even after this damned war is over, I can guarantee you will always have a job with Stark Industries. Now, your true business is with Dr. Erskine, answer honestly any question he has please. I just wanted to meet you personally." He looked up and back to Bobby, "Now, I need to interview Mr. Blossom here about being our new Warehouse lead."

Bobby's face lit up and he stood a little straighter. "Oh sir really?" Bobby deserved that, he was a great foreman, very respectful. He had lost his eldest son in the attack on Pearl Harbor and his youngest was stationed in France.

"Now Mr. Blossom why don't we go and discuss this business while you give me an updated tour of my factory?

"Of course." I could hear the enthusiasm in Bobby's voice.

The Rosie Rogers' Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें