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" who is it? " Issac says over the little speaker,

" me! open up issac hurry up now "

issac gasps....

" crap " issac mumbles, he buzzed her in the apartment complex and mentally sighed

" zizi okay "  mia asked as he just nods and stays quiet when there's a knock at the door scaring mia

Issac carefully opens the door and there she is... " issac I've missed you so much " she says as issac rolls his eyes

" what do you want Willow " he says as mia just sits there

" can i come on " she says as he shakes his head, " willow you gotta go " he says as she started getting upset

" why? Is there another girl! move " she says snapping at him as he just shakes his head, issac was about to speak until there was a loud crash followed by whimpers,

" the hell? " willow mumbles,

Issac slams the door and runs to the living room, mia was gone. he runs the the kitchen and sees the treat jar on the floor along with Mia sniffling trying to hold back her tears seeing a piece of glass stuck in her hand.

" come here kitten " he says picking her up and carrying her out the kitchen to the living room- where willow was now standing shocked.

" issac what the hell! " she shouts as mia hides in his neck. " shush your scaring her " he says slowly putting Mia down

" when, what- how " willow says stunned " your father will flip if he finds out! " she says as issac ignores her which makes her upset so she walks up to him and slaps him making mia gasp

" no hit zizi " mia says with the cutest angry pout " shut it! whatever you are" she says rolling her eyes

" what are you even here for willow trying to start problems just go!! " he says sternly " issac you are my soulmate i need you i want you i miss you " she says pathetically as issac grabs her hand softly and shoves her outside the door locking it behind him


Issac POV:

I was praying she wouldn't tell my father about Mia, he absolutely hates hybrids, but my mother loves them so i wouldn't be scared to introduce them but my father just CANT! find out

" alright my love let zizi see your hand " i say as she whines " owie zizi " she pouts as i kiss her cheek making her blush " I'll be careful alright " i say as she just nods

I get all the cleaning supplies and tweezers and start slowly getting the piece of glass out of her hand, " now why we're you climbing on the furniture my love " i ask as she pouts " are you supposed to be climbing on furniture "
i ask as she shakes her head, " words " he says raising an eyebrow

" no zizi no climb " she says with a cute pout, " just wanted a snack " she says
" well you should have waited for zizi to be finished i would have gotten one for you, " i say as she sighs " m'sorry " she says with a sniffle

" stop crying, no tears my love " i say wiping her single stray tear,

After cleaning around it i grabbed my tweezers and tried plucking it out

" OW NO STOP IT " mia shouted on the verge of tears, i knew this wasn't going to be easy,

" I have to get it out Mia " i say as she scrunched her face and started crying

i sighed grabbing her hand firmly so she couldn't escape, " NOOO " she cries

I quickly tried to grab the piece of glass but it kept slipping out of the tweezer,

" NO! OWWIE DADDY " she cried making Issac feel terrible " HURTS DADDY OFF OFF " she screams as issac quickly plucked it out getting the large piece of glass out her hand.

" D-DADAA" she cries making issac pull her onto his lap, " i know princess, daddy's knows. It's alright no more crying " i say shushing her and rocking her back and forth until her cries finally die down

" im sorry baby " i say wiping her tears
" owie " she sniffles as issac sits her back up and sits her next to him.

" alright i just need to wipe off the blood and i can put a bandage okay " i say as she tilts her head, "b-bandage"

" yessss, a bandage " i say showing her what it is as she shrug

she lets me clean up her cuts with a few whines and once i bandage it up she just looks at me and shrugs again crawling onto my lap,

" thank'ou daddy " she smiles as i kiss her little lips making her giggle.

" mm, daddy who was that girl, she's a meanie butt, hurt daddy " she says caressing my cheek where willow hit me.

" daddy's alright, she was a weak girl anyways, that was willow daddy's ex girlfriend, I used to love her but not anymore because she always hit me, and she cheated on me twice " i say ashamed

" i bite her daddy " she says with a giggle " no biting. tell daddy why no biting " i say as she sighs, " not nice, and people have icky germs, and i good girl " she says making me nod

" i love you little kitty " i say making her squeal and hide in my chest, she fluffs her tail again and wiggles it in my face making me sneeze again

" okay it's bed time for you" i say picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder playfully as she giggles all the way to my room.

hashtag another add on to this chapter maybe Saturday or Sunday i will update again <3 hope you enjoyed!

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