𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮

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But how can that even happen....

It makes no sense....

How can ..... How can we get into that sort of a crash... But the car be unscratched ...

And us unharmed

Once again it's 3 am ,

Yesterday at this time... We were hit...

My head hurts from thinking so much.....

I took an other sip of the coffee sitting in the pitch dark kitchen

Who was that creature above me.....was it really wookjin? A fragment of my imagination?

the memories of that 'dream' continued to haunt me , not leaving my mind , my body feels weirdly heavy and airy , like i have water in my lungs ,

And On top of that.... I have been avoiding Wookjin the entire day and am sure he knows am avoiding him...

The storm inside of me is raging so loud....

I wish all this would stop

I proceed to take an other sip

By the corner of my eye i see a door open and someone walkout going straight for the fridge 

 the light of the fridge makes  Yongsoo's Face blooms in the dark

"Has anything super weird happened to you ever ? "

The moment I said that Yongsoo jumped back with a loud  "Oh my freaking god !" Lifting the glass bottle of water high as if he was gonna hit someone with it

He squinted at me for a bit till his eyes adjusted to dark and he saw me

Then his face morphed into that of disgust and Disappointment

"The hell are sitting in the dark like that for? Did you get possessed by a ghost or something?"


That doesn't sound real but seems like

"What do you mean possessed?"

He was going for drink from the bottle again but stopped and looked at me

"Jisung.... I walked out of the room in this freezing cold to drink  some water....can I do that first ?"

I defeatedly looked at the half empty  cup of coffee in my hand..... focusing on the steam it let out 

After a few moments I heard him speak again 

"Is that coffee"

I hummed a affirmation

"Can't sleep ?"

I kept quite at that

"What was the question at the beginning again?"

I looked at him and he was looking at me earnestly , though his eyes were still covered in sleep

"Has anything super weird ever happen to you.... something u can't explain...that doesn't make sense...yet it happened ?"

Yongsoo looked  thoughtful at that, before finally asking 

"Can I get a sip ?"

I cocked an eyebrow at that 

"Don't you have to sleep?"

"You drink super diluted milk coffee , i think i will be fine "

I pass him the mug

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