Some things never change (Nate Heywood)

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Request: 🚫

Nate X Reader or is it...

Mazikeen is hanging with the legends for a bit because I love her

Linda is a Queen

I've gotten requests for a nate X reader buuut this has a twist


Nate had brought you and the rest of the legends to Las Vegas, he wanted to prove to you that he was just as fun as John

He had just gambled away 300 dollars, he obviously didn't have the same luck that John did.

"Ima go get a drink" You told Nate before kissing him and going over to the bar

You saw a familiar trenchcoat sitting there and went to sit next to him, "Are you seriously sulking in a Las Vegas bar?" You asked him and he shrugged and ordered you your favorite drink

You clinked your glasses together and started to drink

In the corner of the bar Linda and Maze were having a drink together, "Some things never change do they?" Linda asked Maze and they saw you and John together

Maze took a drink as she continued to look at them "They belong together, they just dont see it yet" Maze mumbled before you and John started making out at the bar

Nate walked down the hotel hallway and stopped when he saw you in a mirror

"Thank you" You said as you gave room service a tip, suddenly John came out from the darkness of the room and kissed your neck and you turned around and kissed him back not knowing nate saw everything.

Nate walked away from the room as he drunk your favorite wine in the hallway

"Drinking alone?" Nate heard a voice say from a doorway of a room, Nate turned to see behrad looking at him with slight worry

"Hope not"

Behrad took the bottle and threw it in the trash "I saw what happened in the bar, you deserve someone better not someone who taught you to drown your sorrows in expensive booze" Behrad told him and Nate finally looked him in the eyes drunkenly

"Yeah like who?" Nate asked and it saddened Behrad to see him look like John as he walked and stumbled

"Like me" Behrad said quietly looking down when Nate seemed to have no reaction

Nate kissed him messily before stumbling onto him passing out, Behrad kissed his head before letting him lay down in his room

Nate woke up with a hangover trying to recall the events after he kissed Behrad

Behrad walked into the room, Nate looked at him confused as he realized he was naked "What happened last night?" Nate asked as he looked around in search of his clothes

Behrad handed him a warm folded pile of clothes "You threw up on yv get a good night sleep so I let you sleep there" Behrad explained studdering a little when Nate got up and started to get dressed in front of him...

"So you wanna go get coffee?" Nate casually asked as he put his shirt on, Behrad nodded and nate leaned over and kissed him

Sooo this is prolly not how you thought it would go, yeah I love Behrad X Nate

- Jasmine

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