The Virus

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When they told me to start walking I was token into a building then they took the bag off my head and and I saw people dead on the floor dead everything then they put me in a holding cell just before they got me in the cell I took the guys gun and escaped

Now back to Tomas Carson and Ben they were going out for a run to get some ammo and food and medicine we got in the truck and we found this building where cars were we saw some one running towards us with people behind him it's Braydon. Braydon got in the truck and we drove to the school and Braydon asked if those guys who we were shooting at dead Tomas and Carson said yes. When we come back to the school Owens back we said to him we thought you were dead me and Ben were sure it was you that we killed in the cabin. We're were you Owen responded I was looking for supplies all this time I got some ammo medicine and some food and water. Tomas Carson Ben and Braydon went to get some more supplies and we saw this girl she was sick and she was sick her name is Tiffany we said what's wrong she said it was a virus spreading but it doesn't matter you when you die you turn. So we gave her some medicine and she got in the truck. We drove and we found a building with a lot of people so we just left and shot one. We got back to the school and Ben got shot and Tiffany was a surgeon so she stitched him all up he needed a rest.

Who shot him Owen said me cause he snuck up on me.

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