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Author's Note: This chapter will include more flashbacks to y/n's time at HYDRA so I'm putting a trigger warning here for mentions of weapons, hand to hand combat and other canon level violence. If  I missed anything please let me know and I'll add it here.


That night you were plagued with nightmares and flashbacks from your early days at Hydra. You tossed and turned all night trying to escape the nightmare.

"Now Strix, our little bird. We are going to undo those chains around your wrists and ankles. You will not try and escape. We will then lead you to the training room and begin your training. What should we start with?" The man turned and faced the man in the white lab coat behind him. You now knew that his same was Zola some HYDRA scientist in charge of your program.

"Let us begin with some hand to hand combat. Let's see how strong our little bird is. Then lets turn her into a fighter and turn her into one of our strongest weapons" Zola said stepping up to you and tucking some hair behind your ear. You did your best not to flinch at his touch. You figured that the less you flinched would lesson your chances of being hurt. They undid the chains around your wrists and ankles and brought you up to your feet. They brought you to a room where you were taught to fight. You couldn't make out he face of the person who was training you. They threw a punch at your face ...

Your mind jumped to the next memory.

You were standing at a firing range and they had you practicing with a range of guns. They were wanting to find out which weapons were you strongest. They had found out already that you were really good and close quarter combat and with knifes. Once you had finished firing the gun in your hand, you put it down and they took a look at your accuracy. You had done really well.

"Well done Strix. I think you will are ready for your first mission. But for now you will go back in cryo until we are ready for you." Zola said, he pressed a button on a little device in his hand. A shock ran through your body. You looked down for a moment then looked back up. Your eyes had glazed over slightly and there was an emptiness to your stare. Zola used this device in order to 'train' and 'control' you better. Whenever they feared that you would resit or break out of the programming they would zap you as a reset. He then led you to where they kept you in cryo and guided you into the chamber. He closed the door on you and turned on the device...

You woke up with a jolt. You were sweating and the hair had stuck to the back of your neck. You turned to look at the time. It was 2 in the morning. You threw the sheets of the bed and got up. You went to the bathroom got into the shower. You let the hot water run over your body. Initially you didn't want to wash your hair since you had washed it yesterday but because of the sweat you decided you wash it again.

Once you had done that. You turned the water from hot to cold. Even though the cold reminded you a little of cryo it woke your body up calmed your nerves. Once out of the shower you grabbed a pair of shorts and a hoodie. You then grabbed a book from the shelf. You had always reading and had recently you were slowing growing your collection of books you used to have and new ones. Right now you were re-reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. It had always been one of your favourites.

Before you began reading you placed the book down on the night stand and took off the bed sheet that was damp with your sweat. You folded it up and put it in to laundry basket in the bathroom. You then told FRIDAY about your dream and what you had just remembered. You then fluffed up all the pillows again, grabbed the throw and wrapped yourself up in it. You grabbed your book and began to read. You read about how Alice followed the white rabbit down the rabbit hole and her tea party with the Mad Hatter. As you continued to read about Alice's adventures in Wonderland you began to feel tired and your eyes began to feel heavy. You soon feel asleep again.

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