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—Bucky POV—

Bucky walked into the conference room to find Tony, Steve and Sam looking over some of the files on y/n. He took a seat next to Steve and went to get grab some water.

"How was your walk? You were gone for a quite a while" Steve asked.

"Uhh well... I ended up near y/n room when I heard a scream coming from behind the door. I guess when Wanda was helping out with recovering her memories it got to be too much. I ended up talking to her for a little bit before FRIDAY said that Tony wanted to talk to me here. Where are the others?" Bucky responded

"Clint had to head home for one of the kids music recitals, Bruce is on a video call with Shuri to start with a plan to remove the chip from her neck and Wanda and Nat went for a walk and I think y/n is joining them." Sam responded

"I wanted to talk to you about what you can remember of what kind of conditioning Hydra did on you. If you are ok with talking about it. I think it would with understanding what they might have done to y/n. From what I can gather from these files they tested a rudimentary version of the program they used on you. Like a test run to see what worked and what didn't. That would explain why they didn't use you until the late 50's." Tony said

"I mean I don't remember much besides the chair that they used to shock me and that they used the trigger words. And I'm not sure if Wanda would be able to get anything from my memories they are pretty scrambled." Bucky replied.

"Hmmm... Maybe I can find information on that chair that they used. Perhaps the chip that is in her neck did the same thing but more concentrated." Tony responded he opened his tablet and started typing away, he was probably seeing if there was any files on hand about the chair or trying to hack into the old Hydra files.

"I think I just read something about what the chip did and how it worked" Sam said looking through a pile of files he had stacked up next to him. "Ahh yes here it is" he said finding the file.

"Do you think I could take a look at that? I need to know what y/n went through. I just need to figure out how to talk to her, what and what not to say. I don't want to say anything that might set her off." Bucky asked holding out is right arm.

Sam looked over at Tony and then at Steve, raising his eyebrow. Tony nodded and Sam handed over the file to Bucky and he opened it up and began to read over the file. There was a name for the project that they used for her, Strix. There was no mention of her name anywhere they only ever referred to her as the subject or Strix. As he read over the file he learned that the chip was inserted into her neck shortly after the explosion. They ran multiple tests by shocking her and seeing how best to control her. If Bucky understood it correctly after they shocked her by running an electoral current from the chip they would use a device to play a high pitched sound which would then make her compliant. After that they would give her the mission they wanted to complete.

He looked at the location where she was being held. She was held at a different location to where he had been held. He closed the file and handed it over to Tony, he figured if anyone would be able to understand the file in detail and how to remove the chip safely it would be Tony, Bruce and Shuri.

"I'll take this too Bruce and get a copy scanned over and sent to Shuri. Between the two of them they should be able to figure out how to get the chip out safely and reverse the programming." Tony said taking the file and leaving the room.

"How are the two of you holding up?" Sam asked as he started stacking the files in the centre of the table. "I mean you two haven't seen her since the 40s and now she is here and well learning everything she has been through since then." Finished Sam.

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