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How can someone be so beautiful? I thought as I stared at him. He was standing next to me and his eyes were closed. He kept his head leaning against the wall behind us and his lips were slightly parted. He looks so good. He was ten centimeters away from me and our shoulders were touching. My heart was pounding three hundred an hour. His skin was so white and pure. I wanted to touch him so much.

I tilted my head slowly and approached him. I felt his warmth and his hot breath touching my face. I leaned to him closer than ever. I was only a few inches away from touching his lips with mine. I wanted to break that line between us, but I was scared. I know what his reaction would be.

ERICK: "Why are you so close?"

I was startled by his voice and I moved away as fast as I could. Shit.

ME: "Sorry. I thought you had something on your face."

ERICK: "Well, do I have something?"

He leaned on his elbow and turned to me. I thought my heart would fail from the nervousness excitement right now.

ME: "Oh, just your ugly face and nothing more."

ERICK: "Tells me a guy who has the origins of a donkey."

ME: "Die"

ERICK: "I think we need to go back to third class, and you?"

After a few seconds of laughing he asked a question. I was barely conscious after that. I'm glad Erick didn't overreact when he saw my face two inches from his. My heart still wanted to jump out of my chest. We know each other for 13 years already. It's not easy to make something cringe between us.

ME: "I'd rather not. It's chemistry now, dude."

ERICK: "Okay, but this is the last time. We'll get in trouble if we're absent every day."

ME: "Just today."

ERICK: "Okay, but just because you're cute."

I think I'm dead right now. Why would he say that?

ME: "What? I'm not cute. Why are you saying that?"

ERICK: "Who said you aren't? I will beat his ass."

ME: "What if the girl said that? Are you going to hit the girl?"

I took a step closer to him.

ERICK: "Well, I wouldn't hit her, but I'd say something to put her back in place."

He pulled me towards him and put his arm over my shoulder.

ERICK: "Come on. Let's go to my house."

ME: "But what about the other classes?"

ERICK: "Who fuck them?"

ME: "You will be guilty if teacher calls our parents."

ERICK: "Then I'll just say that Adrian took advantage of his cuteness and made me to do it."

ME: "Gosh! You're starting to piss me off with that 'cute'!"

I removed his hand and started walking fast. He was behind me. I had to get away from him. I blushed so hard. I can feel it. My cheeks are worse than the temperature right now.

ERICK: "Why?"

ME: "I don't know! It's weird"

ERICK: "Come on, you know. You're blushing."


ME: "No, I'm not!"

ERICK: "Then why are you running away from me?"

ME: "Who's running? I'm just walking!"

ERICK: "Adrian, I can barely hear you because you're running away!"

Shit. I turned around and saw him standing still and yelling.

ME: "Why the fuck are you standing there?"

ERICK: "Should I run with you?"

ME: "You're impossible to handle, Erick."

ERICK: "I'm just kidding."

He ran up to me and I tried not to look at him because I know I'm still red as a tomato.

We got out of the school yard and approached his motorbike. I sat behind him and held on to the seat. We put on our helmets and Erick started the engine and started driving. At that moment I noticed that he turned into the wrong street and accelerated the engine.

ME: "Where are we going ?!"

I had to shout to be heard.

ERICK: "Just a little quick drive until we get home."

ME: "You peace of shit! Why didn't you tell me, so I can mentally prepare for this ?!"

ERICK: "Just hold on tight!"

He accelerated abruptly and I almost fell behind. Holly shit! That was scary!

I reflexively put my arms around Erick's waist. He didn't tell me anything. We rode his bike a million times, but I never held my arms around him. Honestly, I was a little nervous.But then, I felt his hand over mine.He moved my hands and nailed me even closer to him.

ERICK: "Just give me a big hug from behind! Don't worry!"

I couldn't help but smile. I hugged him as hard as I could and clung to him so that my breasts touched his back. The feeling was perfect and I didn't want us to ever stop.

Ever since I knew Eric, I know I like him. I've always wanted to be close to him. Every time I would be jealous if Eric became close to someone else. I wanted him to be mine. Even now, at nineteen, I want it more than anything.

But we've known each other for too long. When you're too close to someone, you can't know if some actions are just friendly or something more. It's hard to tell the difference because we're best friends all our lives. But I love him. I love him more than anyone.

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