Week 7

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Announcer: Previously on BIIIIIG BROTHER....

The houseguests competed in a battle of endurance for the second time this summer! The competition came down to Abigail and Rita, but it was Rita that managed to survive the storm! The Twin Hunters were ready to finally target one of the twins! However, Devin suggested to Rita before the nomination ceremony to go after Tristen! Rita highly considered this plan, and ultimately put Anastasia and Tristen on the block as "pawns"! Both nominees were wary of Rita's intentions, causing cracks in the Twin Hunters! At the veto competition, some ended up with prizes, while others ended up with punishments! However, it was Angel that pulled off the victory! Despite his alliance worrying about him using the veto, he ultimately decided not to! Following the veto meeting, the house was divided, with Devin and Janet split down the middle! In the end, it was the journalist that was written out of the show! After Tristen's eviction, the house learned that they have all officially made it to Jury! Tonight, another Head of Household will be crowned! Who will roll their ball to victory? And who will they nominate for eviction? Find out on BIIIIIG BROTHER!

(Intro plays)

Day 43

Julie: Good night, houseguests.

[Scene: Backyard]

Everyone runs towards the large pile of plastic balls, frantically opening them for tokens.

Kelsey: [DR: Tristen is finally out of the house, and I've made it to Jury! I couldn't be happier right now. That vote was way too close for comfort, but I think that just confirmed that the Twin Hunters have control over who stays and who goes.]

Anastasia: [DR: Tonight has been so stressful. I barely made it out of tonight alive, so I need to make sure that I win this HOH.]

Rita: [DR: Tristen just left, and I think after he called me a snake, I think I made the right decision. I'm really rooting for Eric on the sidelines, so I'm hoping he can pull this one off.]

Juliet: [DR: So... Anastasia's still here. I was under the assumption that the Angels were going to stick together, but I guess... not. Am I aligning myself with the right people?]

Devin: [DR: I ultimately decided to evict Tristen, mainly because I needed to guarantee that my brother doesn't even do anything stupid ever again. At least he didn't save him with the veto, but I can't risk any temptations.]

Janet: [DR: I literally didn't know who I was going to evict until about... 5 minutes before eviction. This was because Anastasia pulled me over to the side at the last minute, and I just couldn't say no.]

[Scene: Lounge]

Anastasia: Janet, can we talk?

Janet: Yeah, what's up?

Anastasia: [DR: I'm not just a pretty face. I have a brain too. Recently, Janet has just been like "Mhm" and "Yeah" every time the Twin Hunters have met up with each other. If my assumptions are right, she's working with the twins' side of the house. But because the Twin Hunters are officially dead to me, I want to keep working with her.] I'm only telling this to you because I trust you. The only people I can trust in this house are you and Neil. I am willing to flip to the other side.

Janet: *nods* Alright.

Anastasia: I want to expose the Twin Hunters... but not you. I am begging you to please keep me in case you haven't already figured out what you're going to do. If I stay, then I will not throw you under the bus.

Janet: Okay. You promise you're not gonna throw me under the bus?

Anastasia: I swear on my life. You know how important my faith is to me.

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