Week 2

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Announcer: Previously on BIIIIIG BROTHER....

Sixteen brand new houseguests moved into the Big Brother house competing for the $750,000 prize. Among them was the sexy librarian, the swim instructor, the entrepreneur, the doctor, and the receptionist. After a head-to-head battle with Tristen, Richard became the first HOH of the summer! After Duncan refused to campaign to Richard, he put him on the block with his closest ally Juliet! At the veto competition, Juliet spelled her way to victory! After Sylvia told Harper to join her all-girls alliance, Harper ratted the plan to Richard, putting Sylvia on the block! With the vote up in the air, both nominees campaigned hard to stay! In the end, Duncan's game crashed! With Harper winning the next Head of Household, who will she nominate for eviction? Find out on BIIIIIG BROTHER!

(Intro plays)

Day 8

[Scene: Kitchen]

Curtis: Great job, Harper!

Harper: Thanks! [DR: *cheers loudly while swinging around HOH key* This couldn't have been a more well-timed win! I am so excited to be safe this week and be able to have control already.]

Richard: *hugs Harper* I'm excited for you to see your family.

Harper: Me too!

Richard: [DR: Harper winning HOH was the best possible scenario. I know I'm safe, and the attention is going to be all on... her. *winks*]

Harper: I'm in such a good mood right now! *smiling*

Tristen: [DR: Duncan being evicted really sucks. I was looking forward to us four men running this game, but I guess there's been a change in plans. *laughs* Hopefully my relationships with Neil and Robert still have meaning to them.]

[Scene: Bedroom]

Juliet: *sobbing*

Abigail: *comforts Juliet* It's okay.

Juliet: No it's not, Abigail! *wipes tear with a tissue* This is literally my worst nightmare. [DR: The fact that Harper is the new HOH makes me want to vomit. I'm literally in tears because I hate her so... much. She is so phony, so fake, and the worst kind of "feminist" who most likely spent the enitirety of her teenage years on Tumblr. I don't want to look at her ugly ass pictures and act like I care when I truly don't give a s**t. As if losing Duncan wasn't already bad enough...]

Abigail: [DR: Seeing Juliet in tears has my mother instinct coming out. Harper being HOH is pretty bad, but we won't get anywhere if we're just going to cry about it.] One of us is going to win that veto, Juliet... We're going to find a way out of this.

Juliet: I... I hope so. *sighs deeply* [DR: I need to get myself together. It's really bad. Like, I'm getting dizzy just thinking about Harper putting my face on the memory wall. At least I have a really hot picture, so it's not all bad.]

Sylvia: *opens door* Oh, dear... Is this a bad time?

Abigail: *shakes head* Could you come back later?

Sylvia: Oh. Okay. *walks out* [DR: I should be ecstatic that I'm still in this house, but I'm... not. Harper being HOH doesn't exactly help things. But Abigail is acting weird... I mean... didn't you two just save me? Shouldn't we at least celebrate that?]

Abigail: [DR: It's really awkward being around Sylvia ever since Juliet and I evicted her. She probably assumes we kept her... We didn't. Now Harper is going to assume there's still an extremely powerful all-girls alliance running the house. I'm going to have to put in a lot of work this week. I'm already exhausted thinking about it.]

[Scene: Living room]

Harper: *opens diary room door* Who wants to see my HOH room??

Everyone follows Harper up the stairs, except for Juliet.

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