Week 1

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Day 1 - Live Move-In

Julie: Tonight, sixteen brand new houseguests across America will be moving into the Big Brother house. For this season, we're bringing things back to old school, but don't worry, we will be providing you with twists and turns along the way. It all happens in the Big Brother house.

Announcer: It's a house like no other. No phones, no internet, and no communications with the outside world. This is the Big Brother house. Tonight, sixteen strangers will move in with only one goal in mind: to be the last one standing. Inside, 94 cameras and 194 microphones will capture their every move. All summer long, they'll compete for safety and power. It's a game of skill, strategy, and social manipulation, where each week they must evict one of their own. In the end, only one player will win it all. We're bringing things back to basics. It all starts right now! On Big Brother!

Julie: Good evening. I'm Julie Chen-Moonves, and welcome to a brand new season of Big Brother! In just a few moments, sixteen strangers will start a summer like no other. They will begin a three-month long power struggle for $750,000. But first, let's meet our houseguests. Here's our first four women.

Kelsey: *opens mortuary cabinet with a key inside* Oh my god!

Juliet: *opens book with a key inside and gasps* No way!

Sylvia: *opens briefcase with a key inside* Ahhh!

Janet: *looks down at pan and grabs the key inside* I'm gonna be on Big Brother!!

Kelsey poses in her lab coat.

Kelsey: Hello, my name is Kelsey. I currently live in L.A, I'm 27 years old, and I'm a medical examiner! I don't... exactly spend most of my time outside, so don't mind the pale skin. *laughs* I'm super excited to play Big Brother, because I've been watching for quite a while now. I am very intelligent, so I see myself going quite far into this game.

Kelsey and a team of doctors are looking over a dead body.

Kelsey: People are definitely going to be underestimating me, and that's exactly what I want. I want them to be shocked when I start winning competition after competition until it's too late to get me out.

Juliet poses in a library, then pulls down her glasses in a flirtatious way.

Juliet: Hi, my name is Juliet. I am 26 years old, living in Los Angeles, and I am a librarian. I have definitely been called a "sexy librarian", and I love it! I am sexy, but I'm also smart. What people may not know about me is that in high school I ran track, played volleyball, as well as basketball. I am the triple threat everyone should be scared of.

Juliet looks down over someone reading a book.

Juliet: My strategy going into the game is to get attached to one person and be like... "you are my ride or die, let's go all the way to the end". And I'll do anything to make sure the two of us are sitting together in those final two chairs. I am the most loyal person you know.

Sylvia poses inside an empty courthouse.

Sylvia: Hi! My name is Sylvia, and I'm 40 years old. I am currently living in Atlanta, Georgia, and I am a lawyer! My friends would call me the most intelligent person that they know. I graduated high school with high honors, and I was always on the Dean's list in law school.

Sylvia walks out of a courthouse with her briefcase.

Sylvia: I am leaving behind my six-year-old son, who I love so dearly. This will be the longest time I've spent without him, and... it's gonna be hard, but I'm keeping my head in the game. I know what I came here for.

Janet poses with an apron.

Janet: I'm Janet, I'm from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and I am a professional chef! I am used to taking the role of the leader in my real life, so I'm really hoping that doesn't become my downfall in the game. I can't help it! *laughs*

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