𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝔀𝓞

Start from the beginning

" am here " 

I turned my head to see him standing at door ,  a  hand holding a small paper  cart full of coffee cups 

i looked at his eyes, i could see them , staring at me , he was smiling , he was walking towards me 

He is alive 

I crawled towards him as he stood at the foot of the hospital bed, my legs almost gave in, 

his skin was the same shade of warm golden honey, 

I placed my hand on his cheeks......his Shoulder 

he is alive 

a huge wave relief passed through me , and I slumped into him , hugged him , hiding my face his necks , as tears left my eyes 

"thank you" I said to no one in particular " thank you "

I felt hands in my hair " am okay " whispered to me 

I separate from him my hands still on his shoulder 

" the car crash ! the truck ! you crashed into the front window and -"

"crash? what crash ? " Taeyeob asked , " there was no crash "

"what ?" I asked him 

" you fainted from exhaustion while walking home with Wookjin " Sungho supplied

"what ?"  how can that be.... there was a crash....

"our.....Our black van ? what about that ? "

" Why would anything happen to it ? its fine ? we came here on that same van " Yaeyeob said , confusion painting his face in a frown .

I couldn't move..... did I imagine everything ? the crash, the pain , the grey creature above me..... everything . 

"How long have i been out"

"14 hourse hyung "

" did nothing really happen ?" I turned my eyes at Wookjin  

he gave me a small smile " No hyung.... Nothing happened "

he gave me the same smile he gives me when he is trying to hide something 

After a while everyone one arrived, from our manager , to kyubin , mill and Junhyung. The entire room was like a nest of birds since no one would shut up 

Even the doctor found it difficult to communicate in the room making her scream the instructions

since I had no physical injury detected , or anything i was discharged and free to go, with the added instruction of taking a few days off from work to let my body rest

The manager immediately went on his phone to call the company to tell them to cancel everything i had planned and refused to talk to me about it

Rude.....it's my work you are talking about , might as well ' consult ' with me ? At least make me feel involved

None of the members stood up for me when i was trying to talk to the manager, we were preparing for the next album , i as a producer , can't just take a break .

After all that , i signed some papers and then i stood infront of the same black van way faster than i would like

It was standing there

Virtually unscratched

Like nothing happened to it

Everyone started getting on the van .

But i could not moved , i could not

I cannot get on this car.....not yet....

A hand grabbed my elbow

And sure enough it was Nine looking at me with soft eyes 

"Wanna sit at back ? We could sit at back " .

Yeah that does not sound like a bad ide-

That made me stop

How did he know?

I didn't reveal any information about our seating position .

How did he know?

i could hear my heart beat loud and pounding in my head and my body just freeze .

I couldn't say anything to him

I took a huge breath to calm down

"I wanna walk ..... The dorm isn't that far away "

He nodded and took hold my hands

Warm....unlike the grey creature in my  ' dream'

"Let's walk together then " he said as he tried to pull me towards the dorms


He froze. I never outright denied him anything....

He looked at me confused

I took a small breath and tried to speak in a less panicky voice

"I wanna walk alone ..... I need to clear my mind "

He looked a bit hurt , but still nodded and reluctantly  got on the waiting black car

All of them waved to me 

With shouts of, ' don't you dare go to the company now ' and then drove away, mills hand waving till the car vanished from sight

I started walking towards the dorm

The only though in my brain is about how could he have known

But then again I should give him the benefit of the doubt....

After all i did tell him about how he jerked into the front window....which can  only happen if we sat at the front seat

While I was lost in my head i bumped into a person in front of me

"Ah am sorry " i bowed to the older man i had just bumped into 

"Its okay it's okay "

I looked up soo see a small crowd  gathered around a Light post

"What's going on?"

"A truck hit this Light post last night.....and the driver  died on spot, according to news the driver was drunk ...look at how badly it has bent "

A truck crashed into the light post....

A truck....had a crash

I looked around .....it was that crossroad

That doomed crossroad

"Where is the truck?"

"Huh why would that be here? It got moved   early in the morning , tho parts of it are still lying around"

So the truck did crash

I started walking to where our car was in the ' dream '

If was far away to not be viewed by the crowd...

The road had no damage

Did i see the news before fainting or something....

All thought were going thro my brain

Till i saw something on the road corner...

I picked it up

It was a  clay charm....

It was clay charm made by JunJi

A clay charm made by junji for our car..

It was broken in two half...a small glass shard digging into the top half


The crash did happen

The van was involved in a crash ...... And we almost did die ....

But then

What happened?

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