"This is Mr. Stanley's office firstly, here you'll be put through the wringer to test if you have a chance to work alongside him. "

"Okay." I bit down on my bottom lip, processing everything that could go wrong.

"Psst...what is she doing? " I heard giggling within an earshot behind me. I turned to see two employees gossiping between themselves. I just got here and there's already gossip, how typical.

"I dunno, but I didn't peg the red head as the dumb one---"

"Maybe you both should apply for a pay raise, since you're going above and beyond now aren't you?"

Instantaneous silence. Almost unnatural even.

I gave the old suit a nod to continue. "Right, so those will be your coworkers and that's about it, you're a good girl and you're familiar. "

"I guess... , " I sighed.

"Don't be a stranger, make friends and ask for help when needed. " he slowly backed away from me.

"Good luck!" he sarcastically threw a fist into the air and left. I just stood there in complete awkwardness and by the looks of it it's not even close to lunch time so...

I haven't the slightest clue about what I should be doing. I awkwardly check my watch again and decide to take a seat in an empty cubicle on the far left, away from my 'coworkers'.

"Hey! " I hear someone say lowly. I turn next to me to find a guy not too far from my age signaling to me. His thick dark brows gestured to Mr. Stanley's office. I furrowed my brows in confusion. "Wh--"

The door of Mr. Stanley's office is flung open and out came a very miserable young girl. She seemed a little older than I, a blonde, a really good-looking one. She was bawling her eyes out, her body arched in a way that made her appear small as she held her hand over her face. Very loud sobs escaped her lips.

"Next!"  I heard a thundering that seemed to make the ground shake a little. If not then I.

I swallowed harshly, briefly collecting myself.

Time seemed to freeze as I walked down the hallway for what felt like forever and the clattering of my heals on the bland floors gave a sense of what I was about.

Not only was it one my most expensive, but one of the most ridiculously loud pairs. My beige Jimmy choos.

Time resumed normally as I entered his office, a new stiffening kind of cold falling over me.

"Don't you ever let a fucking mistake like that happen again!" He growled, slamming the phone down with a disturbing bang, that made me jump a little. I took in a quiet breath. Happy thoughts.

He couldn't be referring to that blonde just now right?

The monster of a man had his bulky hands brought up to his chin in a pondering manner, his sharp green eyes shooting right through me. They suddenly narrowed, oddly putting me into a slight panic.

His eyes diverged to the view behind me and I quickly caught on, closing the door. I swallowed and took a seat directly in front him.

He tore his gaze away from me briefly and not long after I heard the ruffling of papers.

"Miss Franco... " he held my file in one and and his other hand lightly stroked the stubble on his chin. The room became lighter as the sun streamed in more intentionally through the blinders. It was because of this I realized how his veins bulged through his olive-tanned skin.

"Yes sir, " I quietly responded.

"You don't have much experience or much qualification here either, what makes you think I'd hire someone like you?" His green eyes transformed into something poisonous.

My eyes widened in shock as my brain began short circuiting. Why would he hire me?

I swallowed as I attempted to pull my thoughts together.

"Well, I am a very reliable person, I mind my own business and--

"There's more?" He narrowed his eyes at me, his body seemed alot more tensed. I couldn't quite miss the sarcasm in his tone.

I was now stuck.

"Look, Miss Franco, I've got my whole day filled with back to back meetings and I'm a very impatient man." He clenched his jaws.

Think. "Sir i--"

"Out." He mumbled quietly.


"Sir I can be on call whenever, I can do holidays and special occasions," I rambled on--it wasn't until it slipped out I caught onto myself.

The room fell silent. A new tension arrising between us. He tore his eyes from me and I could see his jaw was still visibly clenched. Even more so.

"Do you need a fucking security escort?" He roared which caused my breath to hitch. My eyes began to sting with fresh tears that threatened to fall.

With that I slowly stood up, my dignity shattered into a million pieces.

So much for a great day.



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