Chapter 7: I'll Change Face To Get What I Crave

Start from the beginning

The receptionist had blonde hair that was tied into a tight bun at the back of her head and was wearing light makeup. She wore a stern expression as she looked up, "Can I help?" She asked in a fake tone.

"Yeah would we be able to get pregnancy tests here?" Riot asked.

"Yes, it'll be a ten minute wait and the doctor will call you in." She looked at us questioningly.

"Vamp Rebel," Flame said. I know you should give your real name, but I had my name legally changed to that so no one could ever associate me to Chris.

"Vamp," She repeated, staring down at me like I was a piece of gum she'd found on the bottom of her shoe.

Ricky sat me down on the green leather couch in the modern waiting room and Ryan placed Jack next to me. I shuffled away from him and closer to Ricky who had sat on the end of the couch because I was getting more comfort from Ricky than I am from Jack. He looked at me surprised for a second before masking it with a warm smile and pulled me into a comforting hug. We sat in silence. The air was thick with anticipation.

A door behind us opened, "Vamp?" He read it like he was unsure he had the name right. We all stood up and he looked shocked to say the least. The parents around us, who hadn't done this upon our arrival, pulled their children close to them and shot us looks of disapproval or disgust. The doctor looked at us in the way the receptionist did, "Only two can join," He told us.

"Galaxy?" I pleaded.

He nodded and got up. "You want him to come?" He nodded at Jack.

"Do you want to come with us Jack?" I asked hopefully.

Jack broke out of his daze and nodded slowly. He walked up to me and grabbed my hand. He squeezed it supportively. "I'm sorry about earlier, I was in shock," He apologised.

"It's fine," I replied half-heartedly.

He looked unsure for a moment before kissing my forehead and pulling me into the room Galaxy had followed the doctor into a moment before. I turned just as I shut the door and saw Ricky staring at me with an unreadable expression, but he didn't look happy.

"Sit there please dear," The doctor said to me and pointed to the leather bed thing in the corner. I nodded and hopped onto it and Jack and Galaxy took a seat in the plastic chairs. "I'm Dr. Harmon, what seems to be the problem?"

"We'd like a pregnancy test?" Jack asked taking my hand.

He looked at me disapprovingly for a moment before answering, "Of course, I'll need a urine sample, a blood sample and then we will do a scan," He informed me. I nodded. "You can use that bathroom there," He told me pointing to the door to my left.

I got it done quickly and passed him the jar of my urine. He nodded in thanks and left the room to give it to someone to test it.

He walked back in with a needle and a carton of juice. "You may feel lightheaded after we take blood so I would advise that you drink this." I nodded and put my arm into his hand. He cleaned it with an antiseptic wipe and I felt a sharp pinch as the needle went in.

He withdrew it and threw it in the bin. He wiped my arm and placed a plaster on it then left the room to give the sample away for testing.

He walked back in pushing a monitor on a stand. Beneath the monitor was a load of technical looking equipment and some blue gel. "Lie back," He instructed and I slowly laid back on the bed. The paper that covered it crinkled underneath me.

The doctor set up a few things, connected a few wires to the monitor. "Could you lift your shirt up to just under your bra please?" I nodded and did as I was told. "This is going to be cold," He warned and I braced myself for it. He squeezed the blue gel onto my stomach and it was freezing cold. I shivered and he got out a wand thing. "This will show inside your stomach," He informed me and placed it onto my stomach. He stared at the screen for a minute then typed a few things on the computer. "I'm not sure what I see so I'll have to observe it along with the other tests. If you'd like to step out into the waiting room I'll bring your test results to you in just a few moments." We nodded and departed the room.

"How did it go?" Ricky asked the instant the door opened.

"They're not sure," Galaxy told him.

"I don't know what to do," I said as my eyes filled with tears. "What if I am?"

"We'll work through it," Jack promised and pecked my lips. I smiled up at him. "Plus if you are?" Jack repeated, "Then I'll be the best goddamn Dad there ever was and love that kid with my heart and soul! I'll give them everything!"

"Thank you," I mumbled and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Hey!" We heard. Galaxy looked up and cursed under his breath. I turned to see Chris and Vinny walking towards us. I sunk down in my chair. "Hey guys?" Chris said as he got here and Vinny shot us all an apologetic look.

"Hey Chris," Balz said nervously. "What are you doing here?"

"Vinny fell over and scraped his knee," Chris informed us.

"So you came to A&E?" Riot asked incredulously.

"It was red," Vinny mumbled embarrassed.

"That's the colour of blood," Ryan said. Vinny shot him glare.

"What are you all doing here then?" Chris asked curiously.

"Vamp twisted her ankle," Flame said quickly.

Chris looked at him then me sceptically, "Oh alright," He accepted, "And listen Vamp, I shouldn't have freaked out I mean he's your boyfriend and I'll get used to it it's just hard. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," I smiled and he hugged me being careful of my "injury."

I saw Galaxy and Spider waving their hands in an attempt to stop something and I soon found out what that was.

"Miss Rebel? Congratulations," The Doctor smiled and I sighed in relief at the fact that he didn't go into any more detail.

"On what?" Chris asked and everyone shook their heads at the doctor, but he obviously saw the resemblance between the two of us because he answered.

"The pregnancy."

You Just Love To Hate Me || Ricky 'Horror' Olson (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now