As For Right Now

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This morning I decided to look for answers. I was tired of Xavier and Hank telling me "We'll tell you when you're a bit older." I'm 8 now I felt that I should know about my mom. So, I decided to skip school this morning to come find you. 

"What are you talking about you can't skip school. You're only 8 Ash. Plus, Xavier will kill you when he finds out."

"If he finds out and I'm tired of not knowing ok. So, I'm skipping school and you can't stop me, Chris. Besides I go missing all the time they know I always come back."

"Yeah, you're right but skipping school to go missing is different. You will be in so much trouble. Not to mention today your social worker checks up on you."

"I'll be fine ok I should be back before school is done."

Chris sighed. "Fine I'll cover for you as long as you're back before the end of the school day if school lets out and I don't see you I will tell Hank and Xavier."

"Deal." We shook hands on it, and I finished getting dressed.

We walked downstairs for breakfast and then we were off. Well, I was off to you and Chris to school. 

"So, you see I made this journey and broke into your house to find out about my mom. So, can you just help a kid out please Mr. Logan sir."

"Why did you decide to come to me of all people."

"Because I knew you would be straight forward with me."

He looked at me with a harsh stare and then stood up. He walked toward the door and opened it.

"Sorry kid I can't help you now get going." He said while opening the door. 

"you've got to be kidding right. You and my mom you guys were a part of a team you knew her. All I ask is that you tell me about her."

"Kid I'm on my last straw with you just go." 

"Fine you're a loser anyway I don't need your help." I walked out the door and down the road.

This is so unfair why won't anyone just answer my questions. I just want to know about my mom. I walked down an alley between two houses. I heard a sound and looked behind me. Nothing was there I must be hearing something. I turned around just to turn right back around when I heard a small meow. I then saw a kitten come out from behind a can. I walked toward it and it started to hiss at me.

 I walked toward it and it started to hiss at me

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"Hey buddy it's ok I'm not going to hurt you." I kept walking toward it. I kneeled down and started to pet it.

"What are you doing out here all by yourself. You don't have a nametag. Don't worry I'll take care of you."

I let the kitten climb into my pocket and started on my way home.

"I'm starting to get tired of being told nothing about my past." I got home around dinner time and walked into the door. 

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