A New Life

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We were on our way to the funeral, my mom's one to be exact. pumpkin-spice latte in hand, the only thing that brought me joy in this cold cold world, it was mom's favorite. She would be happy to know that I'm on keto. I'm planning on pouring this on her grave to honor her. My dad was yelling at me like always, he showed no shame in front of the uber driver. The uber driver gave me a sad concerned look and mouthed "Are you okay???" and I shook my head no and that made my dad curious and he started to yell at the uber driver and so we didn't pay him and walked the rest of the 5 miles to the funeral. We were 10 hours late which was weird considering we were the only ones coming. When we got home we realized that uber banned us from ever using their business again. Thanks dad.

The next day I wanted to go to Starbucks but I realized that I was 1000 dollars in debt because of all those pumpkin-spice lattes, especially since I'd pour one on mom everyday. No Starbucks for me. Dad thinks its stupid, but I know I'm going to honor the tradition for the rest of my life, for my kids, and for their kids. We will continue to pour the pumpkin spice latte. Love you mama!

Today I start at a new school because I needed to move, my mom was our only source of income. Me and my dad were going broke and this was a free public school for broke bitches like myself. I'm in high school and I'm the nerdiest girl in my school, reading books and doing homework all the time. Jessica Riot is the most popular girl in school, making me look like a complete and utter failure and loser. unlike everyone else, Jessica isn't a broke bitch like the rest of us, she used to be but her parents got raises in the same day and there was a lot of money coming in after that. Jessica only stayed because her "friends" were still here.

During lunch, II was sitting alone by one of the trash cans where the only company I had was a weirdly shaped apple I called Sarah, Sarah and I get pretty crazy and tell each other wacky stories.

A girl. almost as nerdy and built different as me came up to me and said she wanted to be friends. We were both outcasts and always were doing homework and our house was basically the library because that's how built different we are. she said to me "Hi! My name is Kanitelyine!" in the most built different voice I have ever heard. We're like two peas in a very nerdy and built different pod! I replied back "Hello, my name is Asheelieghrrrr.  and this is Sarah." I pointed to my apple friend. She stood is shock for a bit and said "WOW! I didn't think I would find anyone who has a built different fruit other then myself!!" she pulled out a purple pear "his name is Greg!" Greg the pear was long and purple, he also had green leaves on his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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