Silent birth at home

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Emilia was 19 years old; she had brown-golden eyes and short greyish hair. She was slimly built and heavily pregnant with her first baby. Inside of her 10 days overdue belly was an almost 12 pounds baby waiting to be born.

Even though her doctor told her, that she should go to a hospital once she would feel any signs of contractions, she was now walking to her favorite shop for pregnancy clothes, stopping once in a while during a cramp or better during an early labor contraction.

Emilia knew what contractions felt like, after having two still births. Her first still birth was when she was 15. After being abused, she gave birth to a dead little boy during 24th week. The second still birth was with 17 years. She fell down stairs and after hours she delivered another dead boy during 34th week. This time she was really careful.

This time, everything was perfect. Her baby was fine and growing perfectly, maybe a bit to perfect, since the father of the baby was her old sport teacher, 6ft 4 inch tall. It didn't surprise her, once the doctor told her the weight of her baby. How was she supposed to deliver that baby, since she was only 5ft 3inch tall?

Currently she was sitting at the bus station riding out a 30 seconds long contraction while waiting for the bus. Contractions were around 12 minutes apart and Emilia felt them since she woke up 10 hours ago, at 7 AM. Once the bus arrived, Emilia needed to ride out 2 contractions before she left it and got to her apartment.

During the whole evening, Emilia tried to relax, lay on the couch and ignored the contractions. It was 10 PM when she went to bed, after being in labor for 15 hours. Emilia didn't noticed, that her water broke during the night and that the contractions got stronger and more intense.

It was 6 AM when Emilia woke up with a groan and rubbed her contracting belly. There was a change at the intensity and the length of the contractions.

After a long shower, she prepared some breakfast, only to walk around and time some contractions. The timer said 6 minutes apart and around 45 seconds long, after being in labor for 24 hours now.

Emilia swore herself that she wouldn't scream at all during the birth of her child. Last time it was so embarrassing to scream in that taxi, that she didn't asked for a taxi for a while. She would listen to her body; it should know what to do.

Emilia walked around, breathed through each new contraction and was in complete control of her labor until the bell rang. After picking up the speaker, she left her apartment to go down to the postman. After a real short small talk, she was in the elevator, just in time for the next contraction. Once she got out, she heard a voice calling for her.

"Hey, good morning Emilia!", she stopped and looked around, only to find a blonde woman standing on the other side of the floor.

"Oh, good morning Amanda. How are you?"

"Everything's great. My boys are doing well too and we were about to leave for a little vacation."

Yes, Amanda was pregnant, for the 3rd time and this time with twins. She helped her a lot during pregnancy and Emilia hoped that her birth wouldn't be as hard as Amanda always told her.

"That's great. Have fun, See Ya!", she simply said and rushed inside holding her belly, just to breathe again.

With a contraction every 4 minutes, she decided to take some last pregnancy pictures. She walked around; put on the clothes she bought yesterday and took pictures in many positions.

She was about to put her favorite dress on for the last time, when a real hard contraction hit her. It made her double over and she almost dropped to her knees. Once it was over, it didn't even last 30 seconds for another one to come.

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