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Sebs pov:

The next morning when I woke up I was expecting to have still been cuddling darren but was kind of disappointed that he wasn't there I wonder where he could've gone so early...is it early? I had no clue because when I was about to check the time on my phone I remembered Ryan had taken it last night

I made my way to Ryan's room but was surprised when I saw everyone  all sat in the living room. (do Americans call it a sitting room or living room I have no idea😫)

Well everyone except darren...where was he?

"he's finally awake" manager ty shouted as he recorded me walking into the room I just laughed a little for his video but my mood quickly dropped when he ended it

"Ryan give me my phone back now" was the first thing I said ignoring everyone else's confused looks

"Did you apologise" he asked
"yes now give it back"

he laughed but then finally gave it back "did you have a nice cuddle with darren last night" regie asked making everyone laugh and look at me

"wait what how do you know about that"

"well you guys were taking so long to talk and we honestly thought you would have been fighting or some shit and it turns out you guys were cuddling...so cuteee" regie teased

"yeah even the stars agree yall are cute look" oli said coming closer to me and putting the phone in front of my face showing me the video he took of us cuddling and the comments

wait they filmed us cuddling????
I know i said it doesn't bother me anymore but it's starting to worry me what about if they actually find out about me liking him

"whatever" I mumbled trying my best not to seem annoyed "anyways where is darren "

"Oh he said he was going to the mall with some girl I can't remember her name though" kane pouted

"a girl? really?" I asked. Hopefully it's just a friend

"Yeah he seemed really excited maybe he finally got a girlfriend" oli beamed 

"Nahh there's no way he got a girlfriend" "right he could've never kept quite about that"

"Well he asked if it was okay to bring her over here after so it might be?" Manager ty said joining in on the conversation

I really hope it's not his girlfriend yes I would be happy for him but also I would be really hurt, not that my feelings matter because he's going to get a girlfriend sooner or later but why does it have to be so soon

My face saddened at the thought of him bringing a girl round and how she would probably be here all the time...this means I won't get to cuddle him anymore or spend time with him

"You okay seb" Ryan asked sitting next to me I only nodded in reply

"You sure you look a little sad" he asked looking me straight in the eyes as if he could read straight through me "yeah I'm fine why wouldn't I be" I said in a weird tone I tried to make it seem like you know one of those really happy moods but it just looked weird

"alright whatever you say but if you need someone to talk to I'm always here" he smiled and patted my back before getting up and leaving

"wait where are yall going" I asked noticing   them all putting their shoes on and stuff "to the mall to meet dar you wanna come" oli asked

I didn't want to spend my day watching darren flirt with a girl no thanks

"I'll just stay here today I can't really be bothered to get dressed right now" I mumbled getting up to make a glass of water and leaving the room

jealous? (Sebastian x Darren)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora