Chapter 1

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"Kids, wake up!" Cassie called as she hastily tried to put her kids' lunches together. "Guys, I'm serious! This is your last warning!" Ben came bounding into the kitchen and grabbed himself some coffee. "Ben, can you please go wake the kids? I've been calling for them for twenty minutes already and we have to leave in ten."

He nodded as he told her, "On it." He rushed up the stairs and went up to their bedroom doors. "Hey, guys," he called as he pounded on the doors, "come on, your mum's been calling for you! Let's go!" The doors opened a few minutes later. Jess came out yawning, but dressed and with her backpack.

Michael came out the same, but Ben noticed something. "Woah, hold on," he said, stopping his son. "These are the same clothes you wore yesterday. Go change." Michael rolled his eyes while Ben tried not to be mad about it. "Come on, sweetheart," he said to Jess as he put his arm over her shoulder and led her downstairs.

"There you are," Cassie breathed out in relief. Michael came down a moment later in fresh clothes. "Eat quickly," she told them as she put their plates of eggs, bacon and toast in front of them. Ben went up behind her and started massaging her shoulders.

"Relax," he lowly said in her ear. "I know you're stressed because today is when your book gets either accepted or rejected, but you need to just breathe." She leaned back against him and did as he instructed. "Good," he soothingly told her. "I'll be home all day so we'll find out the news together. Okay?"

She closed her eyes and nodded. "That's my girl," he said. He kissed her ear, then let her go. "Dad," Jess said while putting away her plate, "what should I do about Zach?" Ben tensed up at the mention of that, but she was right to ask. He and Cassie glanced at each other because they haven't told her who he is, just that she needs to stay away from him.

"Um...look, sweetie," Cassie gently told her, "there's something about him that you don't know about and we don't feel comfortable telling you yet. We will eventually, I promise, but for now...please try and avoid him as best you can. Don't be rude, but if he asks why, you can tell him your parents said to stay away. Okay?" Jess seemed disappointed, but nodded nonetheless. Cassie kissed her head and told her, "I'm sorry, baby, I know you really like him. I swear to you, by the end of this week, your father and I will give you an explanation."

After that, Cassie and the kids got on their way to school. She dropped them off at the corner like always, then headed to the store and picked up some things for dinner. When she got home, Ben was at the kitchen island with a coffee in one hand and a newspaper in the other. "Hey, sweetheart," he said when she walked into the kitchen.

"Hey," she sighed as she put down the groceries. Ben folded up the paper and set it down. "Have you decided to call her today?" He asked. She started putting away the groceries, then told him, "Yeah, I will. If she wants to meet up, will you come with?" He immediately told her, "You couldn't convince me otherwise. I still don't understand...Tom is paralyzed from the waste down, he can't in the hell did this happen? There's no way he would be in any shape to, not only raise a kid, but to make one!"

Cassie shook her head and told him, "I don't know. I really don't. Hopefully we get an answer today." Once she was done putting everything away, she went out on to the balcony and made the call to her sister. Apparently, that wasn't her number anymore. So, she had to call her parents.

The call was the most awkward any conversation between them has ever been. She tried to make small talk, but gave up after a brief moment. When she asked for Sarah's current cell number, they were hesitant to give it. Eventually, they did with Cassie assuring she just wanted to reconnect.

After hanging up, she vowed to never call them again.

The line to Sarah's phone rang for a bit until someone picked up. "Hello?" A tired voice asked. Cassie took a deep breath, then said, "Hi,''s Cassie." There was silence for several minutes. Cassie thought Sarah might have hung up on her, but then she heard some shuffling around and her sister's voice said, "Uh...hi, Cass. How did you get this number?"

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