Chapter 5'The return

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She woke up early at 5 a.m
The sun still not our making everything still seem dark.
She sat up on the bed they allowed her to sleep on.
How is it she was able to fall asleep...She thought, trying to forget what had happened a day before ....confused it wasn't a dream
- Guess it really isn't a dream...unless it's a dream within a dream- She whispered to herself.
As she was about to get up she hears something fall to the floor...but she didn't see anything laying on the floor...well only the shoes she wore the night before...she heard a creek....footsteps? yup footsteps...
-Mikey?...Ema?...- she asked while rubbing her eyes that even them?...
she thought squinting her eye's to only see a smaller figure at the door frame
- Good morning y/n..- Mikey said softly as he approached her and sat on the bed...
-...Mikey...why are you up so early?-
- I could ask you the same - he said with a sleepy smile...
-Did you want to tell me something?-
-Not...not really..i just wanted to check on you!- he said softly as he laid down to hug her arm
-Mikey....?- she said while looking down surprised
-Let's sleep for a while ok?-
And with that they both fell asleep....for a bit to long
-Mikey!!- Ema shouts making y/n startled as she sat up on the bed
- Mikey...ema's calling you we should go-
-Hmmm?she can wait-
- ok...i'll see what i can help her with then ok-
-wait let me go with you - he said as he got up from the bed and walked out behind her

- Good morning Ema-chan!- y/n said with a close eyed smile
- Good morning y/n! Mikey!- She said with a  bright smile
-Ema! is breakfast ready?- Mikey asked as ema looked at him before shaking her head
-Just sit...actually call grandpa-
-Well is there anything i can help you with ema-chan?-
-Hm?....well you could help me set up the table please?-
- Sure!- she said before hurrying to set up the table
-...who's this?- grandpa sano asked confused to see someone other than his grandchildren
-Is this ema's friend?-he asked as y/n finished setting up the table
-Actually she's mikey's friend !- Ema said raising her eyebrows
- A female friend huh mikey?-grandpa sano teased
-She's just a friend!- Mikey said while looking down to hide his face
- Well the food is ready! so sit down ok!- Ema said cheerfully
-Ok!- Both sano's said
They all sit down and say blessings before eating


- Well thank you for letting me stay the night!...but i can't stay any sure my parents are worried again thank you and goodbye!- She said waving before walking off
- Bye y/n!- Ama and mikey yelled as grandpa sano only waved goodbye

                                                                                      ~Skip to y/n's house~

- y/n!!- Takemitchi yelled with a smile
-y/n were you?! we thought someone maybe kidnapped you! where the hell were you!
- I was with my friend!-
- y/'re a girl it's to dangerous outside for you to be alone!-her father yelled causing his voice to echoe around the house
-Hey...i think it's ok as long as she's with friends-
_ girls are weak...they need someone to be with them a man!-
-da- takemitchi said before he got cut off by y/n
-- Look i hardly know're a stranger...and you know nothing about me...keep line of Your family...-  y/n said before walking up to her room

After a while takemitchi decided to check on y/n...
- y/n?- takemitchi said before walking room obly to see the window opened....
-y/n-...takemitchi said before running out of the house to look for y/n

                                                                                        ~ With y/n~

-What's wrong y/n?- chifuyu asked her
-hmm?chifuyu what's that on your hand?-
-Let me see!- she said grabbing his hand making it look like a handshake

Where am i she thought while looking around...-A jet?- she said while looking around
- yup a jet!-

-Chifuyu?- she asked confused
-your hair?!-she said shocked while messing with it
- wait y/n!- he said trying to stop her from getting his hair super messy
- Huh?...oh sorry heh....- she said while looking away
- Huh?-chifuyu said confused
- wait y/'s like this all just happened...- chifuyu said as a single tear fell from his eye..
-Huh?...chifuyu what's wrong?-
- It was to were on the roof..- chifuyu said sorta confused
- The Roof!?...when i died right?-
-Wha?!-Chifuyu said shocked and confused
-y/n...did we see the same thing?-
- you pulled me up...and then i was suddenly in middle school...-
-What?- Chifuyu said confused
- I know it sounds stupid...but i think when i shook your hand in the past i was suddenly here that's why i was confused-
- Sorry to interrupt...but we will soon arrive to the main building-
-huh? and who the hell are you?-
-pardon?...i am only the escort-
- Who?-
- Who?-
- Yes who...who assigned you for this job?-
y/ was my boss and since i was in town i was told to bring you along-
- Wait boss?...who was your boss again?-
- Don't worry misshe said he will inform you when you arrive-
- So this boss wants something from me?-
- you could say that but its more of a rewa-..-
- John!!...boss said he'd inform them when they arrive correct-
- Yes..sorry sir..i will return to my seat-
- So then this belongs to your boss?-
Yup!- chifuyu smiled...but it soon faded..
- Chifuyu please keep this all to yourself ok...i hope i can trust you-
- don't worry y/n you can trust me- chifuyu said  with a smile

                                                                                 ~ SKIP~

- We have arrived-

- Come on y/n we should start heading in-
-Welcome Chifuyu- a woman said

- let's go in through the that door down's closer to the elevator that takes us to my boss-
- Ok...but who is your boss?-
- Well to clear thing's up there are two...the vice and then the main or head boss-
- Who will we meet today?-
- You will meet both....i will only meet with the vice-
-why will i meet with both?-
-The vice is sketchy but im sure you'll only be asked a few questions before meeting the boss...- we both walk in at the same time?-
-No...i will go in first and then i'll leave,you will go in after and meet the boss-
-But why will you leave?-
-They probably new plans for my department and i'll have to everything as soon as possible-
- So then will your boss take me back to my house or no?-
- im sure he will...but please be very careful when meeting with them both-
-well just wait until you're called in...-

                                                                                 ~ Skip 30 mins~


As y/n walked in she saw a tall figure...

- so then you're y/n?- he asked as he turned around to see her
- And you are?-
- My name is irrelevant at the moment-
- So then why would you want to meet with me?-she asked before remembering where she had seen him
- Well you can meet with the boss now...but i don't see what he see's in you-
- Same to you kisaki- she said as she walked off towards the bigger room
surprised he did ask where you had heard his name
-Welcome y/n.....-


Sorry for the late upload<3 i hope this is ok...i worked hard on this chapter  so i hope you all like it:)

Our era&quot; a manjirou fanfic (F.reader x Mikey)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat