Please.. Get Better

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"Please.. don't get sad. What's wrong?" Diluc asked, not knowing why Venti's smile had faded so quickly. It always brought worry to himself. He hated seeing Venti sad.

"I'm just scared I'm going to be left alone again. My friend died because of the war. I can't tell you more, because it will make me more sad if I brought it up. The form I took is from that friend, and I was nothing more than a wisp at that time until he died. I took my revenge on the people who took him away from me once I took his form in the midst of that war. You don't understand how painful it is for me to tell you this, but I know you know what it's like to go losing someone you have that's so dear to you."

"My father..."

"Exactly. Now, look, Diluc. I can't get over it, even after a few thousand years. It was too much for me to handle. Of course, you only lost your father when you were a child, but... The Archon War was such a long time before you were born, that it makes me sad that we're so close now and I didn't spill it all at first to begin with. You know how hard it was to even start talking about this? It was so difficult that I didn't want to talk about it.."

Diluc sighed softly and hugged Venti, "I know it was difficult to talk about this, you don't have to tell me how hard it was to talk about because I understand that you need time to yourself or that you just want to let out all your pains to be orally. Promise me that you're fine with crying in front of me."

"I am. I promise that! I wouldn't cry in front of you if you weren't my lover, y'know!" Venti pouted, puffing out his cheeks as if he was annoyed at him. However, it was obvious that he was faking this so that he could hide his sadness through a bluff.

"Don't be annoyed with me, you're totally faking this, huh? Stop being so ... irritable-" Diluc grumbled and cupped Venti's face in his hands and gave him a look as if he just wanted Venti to show his more vulnerable side. However, this irritability was part of him being sad and depressed. He couldn't do anything about it, and it was fine, but Diluc wanted him to be happy.

"I'm-" Venti didn't know what to say, just seeming to be sad and about to burst into tears because Diluc scolded him for being annoyed at him. Tears rolled down his face and he just shoved his face against Diluc's chest, shaking from being cold from crying. "Sorry..."

"It's all right, Sweetheart." Venti heard that pet name that Diluc called him and looked up at him, feeling a blush crawl up on his face. "You don't look as pretty when you're crying, you know that right?"

"Oh... I-I'm sorry, Diluc..." Venti whimpered, looking away from him.

"You don't have to apologize."

"...." Venti didn't realize that Diluc meant all of what he just sad in good intention, he was just not realizing how sensitive he had been. It wasn't good, it was just... something he wasn't used to hearing. Arguing was part of being lovers, was it not? That's what Venti didn't know, it was all because he cared about him. He just didn't understand it too well.

"I have no ill intentions in what I said."

"O-Oh," Venti looked at him and blushed. "I'm sorry for interpreting what you said incorrectly."

"It's all right, don't worry about apologizing for it."

"Are you sure?" Venti asked.

He nodded and noticed Venti get up on his toes, kissing his nose, "I promise." he mumbled, cupping Venti's pretty, unblemished but tear-stained face. Venti held onto Diluc's hands. "Hmph, I love you so much..." Venti didn't even notice the huff that escaped his lips before he said that. He wasn't even annoyed with him, it just slipped out.

"I love you too, Venti."

Venti smiled at him, being so happy that Diluc was the one he loved so much and so dearly. This felt like a lie, but it was all the truth and what was reality.

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