Is It Time To Say 'I Love You'?

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Of course, Venti wouldn't say anything about his feelings. He would rather Diluc say something first anyways. He figured it would be better that way. He didn't know how to word it, that was his main concern about his words and hos they could be taken in well or poorly. He hoped that Diluc would understand how much he was in love with him, but he figured it would be stupid to even state it. Would he even be accepted because he loved someone who couldn't live forever - since Diluc was only human - he wasn't sure what to do.

"Are you deep in thought?" Diluc inquired the bard, but there was no response from Venti. He was too enveloped in his own thoughts to even respond to the question that he was asked. He was way too worried about what he would say.

"Venti?" Diluc called, hoping to bring the bard back to Earth. However, no luck about that. Venti was still too deep into his thoughts, and it was just a little scary, so he was concerned about the male. He wasn't exactly sure why the male wasn't responding to him. He just wanted to know if he was okay, but he couldn't even get that.

Venti was again worrying more about what Diluc would say if he admitted his feelings towards the other out loud, until he kept hearing his name being called out in a faint static in his ear. He looked at Diluc, "hm?" He was a little confused, but wanted to know what he had wanted, finally snapped out of it.

"Thank the Archons you're okay. Why weren't you responding to me at first?"

"I... got lost in thought. Condolences for making you worry, I didn't mean to do that to you. It's not like you're a vile vermin I would purposely want to ignore. I don't like treating people like that, unless they treat me poorly and you never have done so on purpose, so I wouldn't want you to think I was ignoring you-"

"Shush. You don't need to ramble on anymore. I understand, got it?"

"Okay, Master Diluc." he smiled faintly. It looked more fake than anything, but it didn't seem that Venti cared his smile was fake at all, he was just trying to make it seem like he didn't do this intentional. He didn't even notice that he had gotten a pat on the head in reward for being okay. "D-Diluc, I-" he blushed a little, "your touch.. it's nice."

Diluc had a smile pull at his lips, he was very happy to hear that. Of course, he wouldn't admit that out loud, he was just curious as to why he was being told that. Was it just because he was so gentle in touch that Venti enjoyed that? Or was it just because there was minimal affection the poor bard was starved of? Both options were plausible for Diluc to comprehend. He wasn't going to ask, but that's all he was going to think. It wasn't too impossible to understand the whole reasoning why the bard liked the touch. Actually, now that he debated it for a while, he was going to ask. "Apologies if this is a personal question you would rather not discuss, but why do you like me patting your head so much? Or... just my touch in general?"

Venti was surprised he was asked this question, but he was not surprised either, it was just something he was hoping wouldn't be asked, and now that it had been asked, he was left without words. He had to think about it a little bit, and that was the only issue, mainly because this is what the problem was, it was something he wasn't asked often. "I'll only answer because it's you asking, Diluc." he spoke, thinking of how to respond for a little longer. "... It's because you make me feel like I have something left inside of me to live for, yet... there's nothing I can do to constantly get that feeling. It's only when I'm with you that I feel like this, but it's just too hard to put it into proper words, so this is all you have to take in."

Diluc was a little confused as to what Venti even meant by what he had said, but it was only because he had nothing to go off other than the fact that he adored him because he's the only thing keeping the poor bard alive at this point, and when he thought about it, it was rather said that -- that was even the case or reason why Venti liked his touch so much. He couldn't understand fully what he meant so he was going to take a few days to write it out in his own words on a slip of paper so that he can understand this a bit more. He just wanted to reciprocate the feelings, if it was the feelings he was thinking it was. He just had to double check and that was the whole point. He wanted to make sure it was going to be perfect when he said them back. Only 'if' he was right.

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