First Year

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    The Hogwarts Express was more than I could have ever imagined, it was big, spacious, and so different to anything I had seen. My Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon kept Harry and I cooped up in the smallest spaces they could think of to give our cousin, Dudley, all the space he could want. Harry and I always felt like outsiders, even in our own family. We were different from them, and my aunt and uncle seemed to know just how different we were. Harry and I are twins, he is older than me by about ten minutes, but the only thing that is different about us is he needs glasses and I don't, oh, and I'm a girl. When these letters started showing up to the Dursley's house, my Uncle Vernon started freaking out. Now we knew why, we were magical, and it started to click in our heads with the random accidents that would happen around us. Now that we were heading to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I've never felt more safe, and I knew Harry felt the same. After wandering around the train for a few minutes, we found a carriage with one red-headed boy in it. He introduced himself as Ron Weasley, it's his first year too. He told us everything he knew about Hogwarts, from his older brothers, and tried to show us a few spells he learned from them as well.

"I heard there was a trolley with snacks." I said, Ron nodding his head, "Do you want anything, Harry?"

"Anything chocolate" he replied with a smile

I smiled in return and walked out of the carriage, looking for the trolley. I was so mesmerized by the things I haven't seen that I wasn't paying attention, and ran right into a platinum blonde boy.

"Watch it!" he shouted

"Oh, I'm sorry!" I said sheepishly, looking up at him through my lashes I continued, "I wasn't paying attention. Everything is just so new"

He looked down at me, my green eyes met his grey ones, I gave him a small smile before asking, "You wouldn't happen to know where the trolley is, would you?"

"I-uh saw it a couple of cars down" he said, sounding nervous

"Thank you!" I smiled, "I'm Maggie, by the way"

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" he smiled back

I made my way to the trolley grabbing a few chocolate frogs and some jelly slugs before heading back to my carriage.


Finally making it to Hogwarts, we were guided up some steps. Professor McGonagall was about to speak to us when a familiar blonde boy walked up to my brother, I stood behind Harry but couldn't take my eyes off of Draco. There was just something about him, and I wanted to know more. After whatever problem my brother had with Draco, we were lead in to the Great Hall to be sorted into our houses. Draco was sorted into Slytherin before the hat even touched his head, Ron and Hermione were sorted into Gryffindor, as well as, Harry, then my name was called.

"Maggie Potter" Professor McGonagall called

Very few people knew of my existence, so it was eerily silent as I walked up to the stool, my eyes drifted over to Harry for some encouragement before my eyes scanned the room, landing on Draco at the Slytherin table. My eyes locked on his, and he sent me a smirk before I looked down with a small smile.

"Gryffindor!" the sorting hat yelled

I let out a sigh of relief as I made my way to the cheering table, where my twin wrapped me in a huge hug before we sat down for a giant feast.

A/n: 618 words

His Princess: A Draco Malfoy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now