We both hit the ground with a thud and I sway slightly.

Sam draws his sword and watches me carefully. He nods towards the sword hanging from her belt and her right-hand leaves my shoulder. I hear her pull out the sword as Bad and Ant appear from around the corner.

"All ready to go, Sam," Ant reports.

"Thanks," Sam says turning to Y/N. "You better get going."

She nods and pulls me by the chain down the hall. I pull back.

"Hey what's going on? Why are you being like this? Hey!—"

She slams me against the wall and holds the sword to my neck.

"Not another word got it?" Her are eyes cold and full of menace.

I nod fearfully and she pulls me along again.

We go down hallways and through doors until we reach a large room with a bunch of black shower stalls. She pulls me over to one and removes my chains. I rub my sore wrists but she pushes me inside.

"Soap's above to your right, I'll bring you clean clothes and a towel when you're ready," her voice lacking its usual warmth.

I take off my filthy prison clothes which are ripped and bloodstained.

I hang them on the hook and grab the soap bar. I turn on the water and scrub myself clean. The water becomes a murky brown at first but runs clear a few seconds later. I enjoy the blissful feeling of the water until I feel squeaky clean. I smile and place the soap back.

"Y/N?" I call.

"Yeah?" I hear some ominous clanking sounds.

"I need the clothes and—"

"Got it," she cuts me off and I hear her running off.

A few seconds later, she returns.


The towel and clothes are thrown over the top and I quickly dry myself.

"Tell me when you're done," her voice is still cold.

What did I do? Did I make her angry? Did Sam tell her to stop being nice?

I quickly dress and realize that it's not just clothes. It's also socks and a pair of boots. The socks are lime green and the boots are dark brown. I hang the towel on the hook.

"Okay, I'm re—"

The door opens before I can finish my sentence.
Y/N grabs me and shackles my wrists behind me and my ankles together before I can even blink. The collar goes back around my neck and the chain is reattached. She tugs, telling me to follow and I obey.

Instead of leading me back the way we came, I enter a new hallway that looks slightly decorated.

We reach a door and she unlocks it.
I gasp slightly as she tugs me inside. She locks the door again.

A dark black 4-poster bed sits against the wall, there's a desk, vanity, two doors which I assume are the closest, and a bathroom. The room is slightly messy, mostly with papers strewn all over the place.

Y/N suddenly flings me onto the bed and holds me down. I scream at her but I'm cut off by her arms around me.

"I'm sorry Dream," she says hugging me tighter. "I didn't want Sam to think we were friends so I was tough on you to show him. I'm sorry if I made you think I was mad at you."

I melt with relief and smile at her. Her warmth calms me and even though my hands are restricted, I curl against her to show I'm hugging her.

"Now come one," she pulls me lightly, not with the chain but with my shoulder. "I've been dying to fix your hair."

She leads me over to her vanity and I sit in the chair staring at myself in the mirror.

She's right, my hair is all messed up but she pulls out a comb and gets to work. I watch her slowly part my hair and make sure it stands up a bit. I notice my hair has become too long and hangs to my shoulders.

Y/N also seems to notice this and picks up a pair of scissors. I move away but she touches my cheek in a calming way.

I stay put as I watch her snip off the back, and sides, and eventually move toward the front.

"Close your eyes," she orders.

I obey and feel her hand on my eyes. The snipping noises are loud but I don't feel the blades. Her hand moves to brush away any stray hairs on my face.

"Okay," I hear Y/N put the scissors back. "You can open."

I open my eyes and find my hair medium length, slightly wavy, and parted to the right.

"Wow thank you," I say.

"You're welcome, now let's get back shall we?"

She pulls out her sword and grabs my chain, lighter this time though. We walk back and the guards are waiting for us.

"Finally," Sam says. "You took long enough

"Hang on," Bad says squinting at Dream. "Did his hair get shorter?"

"Oh yeah, I asked Sam if I could cut it and he said I could. And," Y/N adds. "Coming back took a bit too long thanks to someone."

She glares at me.

"Sorry," I mumble

We pearl back over and Bad lowers the lava on us. We wait until the guards' footsteps fade away before speaking.

"You alright?" She locks me to the ground again but I notice the chains are new and clean. The whole cell smells cleaner too. The water has been changed and I feel much better.

"Yeah, did you ask Sam for this?"

"I did, he kept forgetting until I pestered him enough."

"Well, it paid off," I say with a laugh.

"Oh by the way," Y/N pulls out my journal. "I didn't want them looking through your personal stuff. Keep anything you want to be hidden in here and write anything else on the rest of the books. They look through them"

"Thanks," I take back the journal and she positions herself against the wall again.

Y/N covered for me. That's what a true friend would do.


1,596 words

Hmmm, did a guard just help a prisoner? 🤔

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒩𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝓂𝒶𝓇𝑒𝓈 - Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now