Code Lavender

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Dipper's POV

I swung my leg in the window and dropped down. "Ah, shi-" My head hit the floor.

I heard a voice laughing. "Fuck off Bill." I said, getting up.

"I find it amusing that a 'child of the universe' is as clumsy as a person with 2 left feet."

"You're an all powerful demon and you can't roller-skate." I shot back. He gasped and put his hand on his chest.

"What'd you do while I was gone?"

"Had a wonderful conversation with my sibling." He said, sarcastically.

"So hell's real?"

"Yeah. What'd you think was down there?"

"Uh, I don't know, the core of the Earth!"

"Eugh, science. Don't remind me of it." He said, walking over to my closet.

I took out my phone and turned on my TV. "Huh." I said.

"What?" Bill asked, coming out of the closet with a shirt halfway put on.

"I have like a million messages and calls from Wendy." Bill sat down beside me, "Weird."

I opened the messages.

Bi Buddy🏳️‍🌈










"What the hell?!" Bill looked at me. I jumped off the bed and started pacing, "ohshitohshitohshit-"

"What's wrong?" Bill asked.

"Ford! He's on his way! How?! Who the fuck told him?!"

Bill looked like he knew something.

I grabbed my bag from my closet. I threw a couple pairs of pants in it and grabbed some shirts. I threw my phone in my back pocket and a charger in my bag.

I went over to the window. "Tell Mabel to go fuck herself." I said, jumping out. I landed on part of the roof and ran to the edge. I jumped off the house and landed on the ground. I looked back up at my window and saw Bill looking out.

I snapped my fingers.

I appeared in front of Ash and Kais apartment building. I found the only apartment that had a flag on it. A pride flag, how predictable.

I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door.

There were footsteps, then the door opened. "Dipper?" A red eyed Ash answered the door.

"Yeah. I kinda need a place to crash."

"Uh, come in. I'm not sure I can guarantee a long stay. We dont have a lot of money and-"

"Dude, I can teleport. I literally can steal food for you guys."

Ash turned around and looked at me shocked. "You're not a son of Lucifer either, right?"

I chuckled, "No, but I harness power from the universe." I said in a dramatic tone.

Kai came down from upstairs. He had a loose towel on and wet hair. "Hey Dipper!" He said.

Ash quickly ran into the bathroom.

Kai laughed. "You think they're gonna masturbate to this image of you?" I said, jokingly.

"You Dumb Dream Demon" A Billdip fanficWhere stories live. Discover now