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Hey! This chapter isn't very long just Blue having a sick day and his new parents taking care of him!

  I woke up in my old room my head and arm hurt badly i felt hot..I groaned and got up only to stumble and fall ontop of the fluffy floor I looked around the room was like the room in the insane asylum my breah quickens as I began to move but suddenly I puked my eyes tear up as my throat burned..I began to cry out in pain. "Help meeee..." I roll on my back and look at my bandages on my arm I could tell by the way it looked that it was infected..

Eventually Dream walked in giving a look of concern before running to me. "Hey hey its okay! You don't look too well.." He said and he picked me up and walking out of the room It was day time and Ink was on the couch watching a Christmas movie. "Is he okay?" Ink asked his voice filled with concern ad Dream shook his head. "His wounds infected and he has a fever.." He said all I did was groan and kinda Nuzzle up against Dream. "P-papyrusss.." I try to yell out but it's a whisper. "Hes still healing my dear but don't worry! I've been watching him take care of you when you're sick sooo me and Ink will take care of you!"

Oh no..not them! I shook my head and I began to shift around hoping Dream could drop me so I could run..but of course it didn't work. "Listen Blue just stop! It's okay!" He said as Ink left to the kitchen and eventually came back with some soup as Dream laid me down on the couch.

Ink then held the spoon to my face and I growl softly what if it was drugged? I don't want to go to sleep again! "Eat darling you need to get your strength up.." He said sternly and I suddenly blow on it roughly watching the soup go off the spoon. "N-no! I don't want t-thi- AHCHOO!!" I sneezed as my face was grabbed by Dream. "Do it again darling and you'll be in trouble Ink worked very very hard!" He growled again as I whimpered and shut my eyes.

"P-please no..please.." I cry as I kept my eyes shut..Ink then wiped my tears and he held the spoon to my face and I accepted this time eating it at first it burned my tongue but then it cooled down and I swallowed it didn't taste drugged it actually tasted good! He seemed to notice my expression because he hummed happily and he kept feeding me.

Soon the bowl was finished and Ink left again going to put the dish in the sink as Dream laid my head on his knee. "Listen Blue darling I know this seems weird to ask but I must you have any type of sexual illness that prevents you from reproducing?" He asked and I was confused. "N-no? Why?"

"No reason hehehe~!!"

Thanks for reading sorry it was short yet again just Blue having a sock day!

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