"No, no you can't leave me here" cara shook her head, "let me come with you, please.. I need to find Charlie"

"But you leg-

"You'll need to make sure nothing happens to it right?" Cara asked, her voice shook. Kate could see the fear in her eyes.

Kate was scared too, it her first tsunami but after the earthquake Kate had herself prepared for anything that could come her way in LA. She just forgot that even the people who live here can be scared

"Alright" Kate nodded "I wanna get off this thing and trail the water for any other casualties, you can come with me if you want, but we both know there is a high chance of another wave"

"I'll come" Cara nodded

Kate jumped into the water, the cold shocked her and first but after seconds she adapted to it. She took a hold of Caras handed and helped her down, Cara hissed as the water burned her leg

"Alright be careful, I don't want you getting anymore hurt than you are"

"You're sweet" Cara shivered, her teeth chattering

"It's my job" Kate responded, she threaded carefully through the water.

"Help!" Someone's voice came from under some wood

Kate picked up the damp wood, she threw it aside and pulled the man from beneath the water "sir are you okay?" She asked, inspecting him for any visible wounds.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just couldn't hold that wood any longer"

"There is a car over there, it's jammed in by a few trees. It's safe to stay on" she pointed, "can you make it over?"

"Yeah, yeah I can" he nodded

"Okay, there will be people coming soon"

Kate really wasn't sure who would be coming or if they'd even reach them, but right now it was all she could say. No promises, no reassurance. Just tell them what might happen.

She trailed along the water, walking against the stride seemed impossible but she knew there were some people who needed help.

She moved through the Debris, pushing floating objects out of her way, she moved more tree out of her way and spotted someone sitting on a fallen tree, the young girl wouldn't have been any older than 5.

Kate swam over, cara followed behind "is that her?" Kate asked

"Yeah I think so" cara nodded

Kate reached the tree, she gave the young girl a smile "hey sweetie, what's your name"

"Cara!" She exclaimed, looking behind Kate

"Oh thank god" Cara exhaled

"I'm Charlie" she answered Kate's question

"Are you hurt anywhere?" Kate asked

"I scraped my hand" she held out her small hand, it was nothing more than a graze

"Oh wow" Kate gasped "well, you are just so brave."

Kate turned and faced the older woman, "you need to stay here with her okay. It's not safe for her to be coming along with me"

𝙁𝙡𝘼𝙈𝙀 // 𝙀𝙑𝘼𝙉 𝘽𝙐𝘾𝙆𝙇𝙀𝙔 Where stories live. Discover now